Coletti Warlords: Reality Bites

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Book: Read Coletti Warlords: Reality Bites for Free Online
Authors: Gail Koger
Tags: Science Fiction & Space Opera; Fantasy
growl sounded in my head. “You will not call me honey bunny, numb nuts, or chuckles again. Is that clear?”
    What had my cousin Sarah said Zoey called Jaylan? Oh yeah. “Okay, Skippy, you do know you have a whole shitload of marauders heading your way?”
    “I am aware of the enemy ships.”
    Several squadrons of the Colettis’ deadly Talon fighters erupted from the warbirds’ launch bays.
    “Sic’em, boys.”
    The blackness of space was filled with ribbons of dazzling energy as the Tai-Kok marauders and Talon fighters battled it out. It was like the Fourth of July. Brilliant billows of orange and yellow flames erupted from the disintegrating spacecrafts.
    Color me impressed. In a very short time, the Colettis had destroyed all of the Tai-Kok ships.
    On another monitor, a modified Central Command Tomahawk missile slammed into the monster’s slaughter ship. It shook violently and blew into a million pieces. Blazing metal debris rained down on Tucson, causing fires to break out.
    Lucky for us, the warlords had the technology to minimize damage to the infrastructure of conquered planets. The sky turned a brilliant green. Thirty seconds later, the flames were gone.
    Picking up my backpack, I stuffed a few more skunk bombs in it and frowned at a sudden tingling sensation. My eyes widened in surprise as a glittering blue light blossomed around me.

Chapter Four
    Jaylan’s roar of fury reverberated in my skull. “You cannot escape me.”
    “I didn’t do this.” The transporter beam vanished. “What the—” I slammed into a platform. Ouch! That smarted a bit. I sat up and rubbed my bruised elbow. The operator obviously didn’t know what he was doing. I mean, c’mon. Materializing people in midair? How lame was that?
    One funky-looking cyborg wearing the tattered remains of a red battle suit stood at the controls. Pitted, badly rusted metal covered half his skull. Two of his cyborg’s eyes had been replaced with telephoto lens that continually zoomed in and out. The right arm was a moldy piece of red metal with a clawed hand, and a stump made from wood replaced his lower left leg.
    My jaw dropped, and I shot to my feet. Holy hell, the cyborg had once been a Tai-Kok. Did his metal parts keep the skunk scent from melting him?
    I felt Jaylan’s stunned disbelief. “Mog.”
    “That’s Mog the Merciless? The legendary Tai-Kok high commander?”
    “Looks like he had a run in with a shark.”
    “He did. I fed him to the sand sharks on Joroco.”
    “Oh, so it’s safe to say Mog’s lookin’ for a little payback.”
    The cyborg spat a bunch of angry, quacking gibberish and pointed a laser pistol at me. An instant later, a wheezy mechanical voice commanded, “Drop your weapon.”
    Using two fingers, I eased my pistol out of its holster and placed it on the floor. “If I were you, I’d fire the crappy mechanic who did that to you.”
    The telephoto lens zoomed in on me, and vicious quacking noises emanated from Mog. “You are the warlord’s mate.”
    “Me?” I laughed hysterically. “Sorry, buddy, but you’ve got the wrong girl.”
    Mog started quacking like a rabid duck on meth, and the mechanical voice translated his gobbledygook. “There is no mistake. The warlord will surrender to me, or I will eat you, piece by piece.”
    I eyed the two metal teeth Mog had left. He kinda reminded me of a bucktooth beaver. “Since you’re dentally challenged, that might take a while.”
    “While I tear into your flesh, I will buck you.”
    Mog opened his pants. A wormy black metal penis whirled around and around like a Roto-Rooter.
    Good God, that was just wrong. “You must be so proud.”
    A thick drool running down his chin, Mog moved toward me with his penis spinning madly. Step. Thump. Step. Thump.
    I watched the drool splash the floor. He was close enough. Why wasn’t he vomiting like the others?
    Step. Thump. Step. Thump. A long red tongue slid suggestively over Mog’s scabby

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