Close Protection

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Book: Read Close Protection for Free Online
Authors: Riley Morgan
without looking at it. As far as he knew, the only people with the number were high enough priority that he’d take their calls no matter what. He didn’t expect that Lena would be on the other end of the line.
                  “I’m working on my escape plans, and I had a few questions.”
                  Ramon told her that she could ask whatever she needed, but she insisted on him coming down to her room to work with her in person.
                  “It will be better if you can help me hands on,” she had said.
                  Ramon hung up the phone and grimaced, wondering what kind of abuse he’d have to endure next.
                  He got his things ready for bed and dropped them off in the little closet room across the hall from Lena’s bedroom, then knocked on her door.
                  “Come in.”
                  He opened the door and scanned the room. It was empty. The balcony door was open, a breeze blowing through and ruffling the sheer curtains. Lena had a notebook open on a small desk on the inside wall of her room where she had been working on her plans. Ramon thought about sitting down, but the chair at the desk was too small for him, it was a relic of Lena’s childhood. Hot pink and covered in glitter and sequins.
                  Instead, he stood over the desk, studying Lena’s drawings. They were remarkably thorough and well noted. He was still reading through them when Lena came back inside from the balcony. She moved quietly, and when she locked her bedroom door with a click, she managed to do something few people could and surprised Ramon.
                  He was even more surprised to turn around and find that she was not wearing a single thread of clothing.

    Making Ramon’s ‘stupid escape plans’ wasn’t as bad as Lena had thought it would be. Actually, it was quite a bit of fun. In school, Lena had always found herself getting really involved with projects. She liked the sort of critical thinking that comes in making a plan and dissecting it, analysing it until you have the purest and most potent result possible.
    The best part was putting the final product on paper. She loved the presentation. Loved laying her idea out, finding the execution that made it come to life for her reader.
    She’d intended just to half-ass Ramon’s assignment, but by the time she’d finished with her first three plans, she’d spent nearly four hours going over different possibilities, had made detailed lists of assumptions, alternative options, and contingency plans. There were still the last three plans to make for her bedroom, but she figured they could wait until the morning. Maybe once she’d had her way with Ramon, he’d see differently about giving her this useless busy work.She’d invited him down to her room with the express purpose of getting her claws into him. He’d been able to avoid her so far. That was the only way that he could have resisted her.
    Well there would be no getting away now.
    While he was mindlessly lost in her plans, she locked her bedroom door and palmed the key. If Ramon wanted to get out, he’d have to jump off the balcony.
    “Galena,” he said, startled. Lena had to appreciate the man’s resolve. His eyes went straight to hers and did not waver once.
    “Call me Lena,” she said with a smile and a step closer.
    Ramon swallowed a lump in his throat and pressed his hands to his side. He did not back away, but Lena could see his body tense as though he were about to dive away from her. Instead, he scooped up the notebook and held it between them.
    “Lena, these plans are very good. I’m impressed.”
    “You want to talk about this? ” she asked as she ran her finger along her collarbone, over her breast, and down the curve of her side. She took another step towards Ramon. She could smell him in his fear and his eagerness. It was obvious now. He

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