Close Protection

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Book: Read Close Protection for Free Online
Authors: Riley Morgan
was not disinterested. Not at all. Only pretending to be and doing a damn good job of it.
    “You didn’t? I thought you called me down here to help you.”
    Lena couldn’t actually tell if he was hopelessly stupid or just pretending to be. She took the last step towards him, pushing the notebook to the side and pulling herself against his body. His personality was so reserved and distant that she’d never really felt how big he was. Standing next to him, Lena realized that her eyes only came about halfway up his chest. His chest that now seemed so broad and strong. There was such serious solidity to him. It took her breath away for just a moment.
    “Ramon, you know exactly what I called you down for.”
    She could feel him through his pants, feel his heart pounding and his breath, fast and light. He took a deep breath and let it out in a slow sight.
    “You’re right,” he said, submitting. “I do know.”
    “And you’ve wanted it since you got here, haven’t you.” She stood up on her toes, grabbed Ramon by the back of his head and pulled him down as she kissed the exposed skin at his collar and along his neck until she was teasing his earlobe in her lips, letting him hear how heavy he made her breath.
    “I did,” he said, whispering softly.
    Lena lowered herself to the ground, running her hand over his cheek, just barely rough from a long day.
    “Do you want to kiss me?” she asked, letting her other hand slid down his body towards his cock. She wanted to feel how hard he would get for her while she played her game.

    How had Ramon been so stupid? Lena had been playing with him all day, then she invites him to her room at 11:00 and he walked right into her trap. He thought fast and tried to deflect her advances with her notebook, but she pushed his defense away.
    He knew that he wouldn’t be able to get out of this by trying to talk to her, but he tried anyway. It only bought him a few seconds, but it was enough. He stayed cool as Lena grabbed him by the shirt collar and began to whisper into his ear, pressing her lithe body against his and kissing him with those sweet lips. Her scent was intoxicating. He wanted her. He could not have her for fear of his job, and this fear kept him focused even as temptation called him.
    Lena pulled him down to kiss him. He would have liked so much to kiss those lips. To taste her. To do so much more.
    Ramon leaned down to meet Lena’s lips. At the last second, he jerked hastily forward, catching Lena’s delicate nose with his cheekbone. The collision was hard and drew blood in an instant, just as Ramon had hoped. Lena’s hands flew to her face, crimson running between her fingers and down her hands.
    “Oh my God, Lena I’m so sorry,” he said, expertly feigning surprise embarrassment.
    Lena let out a low moan, something like a scream, and ran to the bathroom. Exactly as Ramon had planned. He was at the balcony door in three steps. It was dark outside. The moon was hiding behind low clouds, but thankfully the Buldovas were vain enough to illuminate their house with dozens of floodlights. Shielding his eyes from the lights, he turned towards the building and looked for the series of handholds that he’d spotted earlier in the day. He didn’t trust the lattice to his right. If it was solid, he could have easily climbed down it to the wall. If it wasn’t solid, he’d fall two stories onto his back and best case scenario, have a lot of explaining to do.
    So instead he took a riskier route. Heaving his left leg over the railing and then his right, he lowered himself down to a crouch and reached out for a mortar stone that jutted an inch and a half further from the wall than the one above it. Once he had a firm grip, he lowered his left foot down onto a lighting fixture, and felt around for a hold with his right. When he had it, he brought both hands to the bottom of Lena’s balcony and lowered his body until he was dangling, arms fully extended.

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