Close Protection

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Book: Read Close Protection for Free Online
Authors: Riley Morgan
It was only a six foot drop to the grass beneath him, although it looked like more. He could risk trying to find another set of handholds, but if he was unable to find one, he’d have to kick off of the wall which would make the shorter drop even more dangerous.
    He released his grip and fell to the soft marsh soil. The gardener would have to deal with two deep divots in his lawn tomorrow, but Ramon would rather explain why his footprint was in the mud than why his cock was in Zeus’s stepdaughter.
    After wiping his shoes at the door, he snuck back in the house, disabling the security system as he did. Nobody noticed him as he slinked back to his room and locked the door behind him.

Part Two

    Lena was upset when Ramon’s clumsiness had ruined her plot to seduce him. When she finished tending to her bloody nose and came back to find her room empty, she was furious. Her door was still locked. She checked under the bed, in the closet, and behind the curtains thinking that Ramon must be hiding somewhere in plain sight. The alternative was absurd. Did he really jump off the fucking balcony? Having eliminated all the other options, that was simplest one left.
    Shocked that she had been beaten again, she climbed into bed and tried to forget how Ramon had felt pushed against her body. How he had tasted, his lips so close to hers. How she had wanted him, not for the sake of playing with his head, but simply to have him, even for only one night.
    The next morning, Ramon said nothing about their encounter the previous night. Neither did Lena. For now, it was a secret that they would share. A battle in which they had both won nothing and  sustained injury too embarrassing to admit their involvement.
    Lena did not cease in her attempts to seduce Ramon, and Ramon did not relent in his efforts to resist her. The day passed uneventfully. Lena continued her year-long habit of wasting her days in front of the TV, gossiping with old friends, laying out in the sun, and talking with Tia about anything that did not involve her feelings about Ramon.
    In turn, Ramon seemed to give her a wider berth. He, having been the victim of Lena’s cunning, developed a healthy respect for her. He no longer ignored her, but merely observed her with a careful and critical eye. This made her happier than she would have guessed. It provided her with the attention that she craved, but in a way that did not leave her feeling as though she was covered in a thin film of oil the way that her step-brothers’ gaze did.
    She even briefly entertained the idea that she and Ramon might be able to be friends. He was smarter than she’d given him credit for, or at least more clever. And the respect that she felt from him was the most intoxicating high that she’d ever known. For the rest of the second day, it seemed to Lena that things were going rather well.
    Dinner was, for the first time she could remember, enjoyable. All five of them ate in Zeus’s study. The dining room, Ramon concluded, was not safe until curtains could be installed in the living room, shielding the family from sharpshooters in the trees surrounding the estate.
                  Zeus insisted that Ramon not talk business around the dinner table, an edict that made him quite uncomfortable at first. But after giving an abridged version of his life story, he seemed to loosen up a little. For the first time she could remember, Lena found herself involved in a real conversation with her family. She was beaming by the time they finished their meal and prepared to settle in for the evening. As they were getting up to go, Zeus stopped Ramon and told him to stay. There was no way for Lena to warn him about what was about to happen next. Someone who did not know her stepfather would not have a keen sensitivity for his mood. But Lena did, and she did not doubt that the words that he intended to have with Ramon would not be kind.

    “Am I paying you to fuck my

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