Chronicles of Athena Lee
base and be done with it.”

    “Well sir, I could have done that but the base wasn't finished when I took over. Only the engineering section was airtight, the rest we were still working on. But construction drones work fast if given the correct materials.”

    “It is still an excellent achievement. Which brings us to the meat of the problem. What to do about you? Do you wish to remain in the Navy?”
    That was not a question that I was expecting. Remain? Wow, continuing my career was not something that I had considered.
    “Something to think about Athena. I will tell you that there are a great many people back at Fleet headquarters that want to pick your brain about a great many things.
    Plan on joining us on my ship tomorrow. Bring everything that you want to take with you.”
    The Admiral gave a once over look. “Fleet command wishes to keep your Station, Firefly is it? Bring transfer protocols and codes with you please. My shuttle will return at 0900 hours bringing a caretaker crew. Be ready for that.”

    As we finished our conversation, there was laughter from outside the room. Engineer Hedley was laughing about something.
    “Wilson! What in the hell are you telling that man!”
    Still laughing the engineer turned to me “ remind me to never let you design a kitchen unit ensign.”

    Feeling my cheeks warm up I asked “Wilson, just what ELSE have you told him?”


    True to her word, the admiral sent a shuttle to pick me up. I didn’t have much to pack. Just some uniforms and a few keepsakes I designed myself, over the years.
    A small three person team was to be left on the station. I gave them the basic tour and opened up the computer files for them. I ‘forgot’ to mention the escape plan but they would find it, eventually.
    Wilson, left his clone in place to run things. He is coming with me. He stayed in my link and made himself at home. He keeps saying that he needs to watch out for me. That and something about driving me around. He is such a weirdo.
    I boarded the EOH ship and was immediately placed in a small security cabin.
    Technically I am still an enemy combatant. I am allowed to explore most of the ship, but I have to take my security escort with me.
    We will dock at Fleet headquarters in less that 36 hours and then a new adventure will begin.
    I hope I'm ready for it. I know that they won't be.
    Just wait till they meet us!

    Engineering Murder
    T S Paul
    Chapter 1
    “I’ve changed my mind about boredom. Being trapped in a small, very small, officers quarters is way more boring than being stuck alone for 15 years. Or at least it seems that way to me!”
    At least I had been rescued. Although, technically, I was still at war with these folks. I sort of did attack them and cause a ship to explode killing the crew. Because of all that, I was being treated as an enemy combatant. It is better than prison though.
    So much for my first tour of duty. Here’s what happened.
    During my first deployment we were attacked, the fleet destroyed, I survived. While trying to survive, I built defenses and a small space station. A survey patrol encountered my station fifteen years later.
    I did not believe who they were and a ship was destroyed with all hands lost. The great war that I had fought in has been over for a long time.
    Nobody had told me that!
    I sort of surrendered. Now I was on my way to stand trial or something.
    Should be interesting in a twisted sort of way. At least there is snacks.
    Still the boredom.
    Officially, they won’t let me have any books. That whole enemy thing. I have two escort guards outside, but other than the observation deck and the mess hall, I don’t get to go anywhere. That includes the engineering

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