Chronicles of Athena Lee
do that can they? I'm not part of their military. Technically, I represent a hostile power.”
    “Well it seems that they are trying to say that because the PPL was dissolved and incorporated into the EOH that they can do just that.” Frakk It. Legalese, another thing I'm not good at. That's why we have computers.
    “Wilson, what are my options?”
    “We need some political force on our side. From what I have found floating around inside the data-banks, complete national identity has not yet been achieved. Disregard what you may have been told. There is still a lot of PPL pride to be found on the old member planets. Guess what, those folks have NOT been told about the recent events in the Diablo sector. If you authorize me, I think we should tell those people all about it! Time to make you a Hero Ensign.”
    “Wilson, don't tell me that. That is the last thing that I want. I really hate politics.”
    “Ensign Lee, my name is Lt Commander Smith, I am the Admiral's legal attache. I regret to inform you that you will stand for formal charges of Mutiny, desertion in the face of the enemy, insubordination, and murder when we dock. Any deals that the Admiral has made with you are now Null and void by order of Governor John Wayne Buckley, sector 12 governor of the Empire of Humanity.”
    “Commander, can he do that? I'm not in your military. Hell, I was declared dead for the last fifteen years. How does being left alone in a far off sector by your own military become desertion?”
    “Ensign, the Admiral and I think that this is in retaliation for Captain Buckley's death. The captain was the Governor's nephew. Unless something happens to change things, you are going to stand trial.”
    After the lawyers left, all I could think was that this day just went from bad to way, way worse. Crap! I seemed to me that most of the charges were utter BS. The murder charge though, because the war was over...that one might stick. So much for me trying to be friends.
    “Ensign, let me contact the Senate and inform them about the railroad job that this Governor is doing to you.”
    Cocking my head to one side, I replied “ railroad? Whats a railroad? Oh, you mean the false charges?” Actually that is a really good idea.
    “Send them a full report include whatever dirt you can dig up about these false charges.”
    They want a war, they are going to get a war!
    Chapter 2
    With my impending arrest approaching, security added some more guards to my entourage. They also moved my accommodations to the brig. My cramped little room got bigger, but it’s now under 24 hour surveillance.My nice soft bed is gone along with my privacy. Maybe I should have just taken out that fleet and stayed on my station!
    I sat in the brig for a full day before the Admiral came to see me.

    “Athena, I'm sorry.” She really did look sorry.
    I just glared at her.
    “I don't have the power to override the sector governor. I have sent requests up the chain of command, but it will take time. Governor Buckley is pushing hard for a Court martial.”
    “Court Martial? Admiral, I am not in your chain of command! He can't legally do this.”
    Sighing the Admiral replied “ He is the only law that matters in this sector. He can do whatever he wants to.”
    “Admiral I don't think I like this new society that you people have created. In the old PPL those in charge were held accountable to the people. We didn’t have dictators who would not follow the rule of law.”
    Pacing the room, the Admiral turned to me “ both my legal staff and I believe that this is revenge for his nephew. We will try to help as much as possible but our hands are tied.”
    I spent the day reviewing the rules of court martial and POW treatment. I think that the Governor is a bit ignorant of his own law. The Admiral said court martial; their own regulations say they can't do that to

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