Chronicles of Athena Lee
    Unofficially, I have my own ace in the hole. I was allowed to keep my personal tablet. I already have reams of books and technical manuals. Hidden inside my link in my head is who has become own personal AI. Wilson.
    Wilson is a Artificial intelligence created by the former Pan-Pacific League. He was the prototype for the AI’s that most navies use today. His creator modeled his personality on a 20th century vid star. He latched on to me after the big battle that got me lost for 15 years. He’s kind of goofy.
    I let the Admiral and his staff believe that I left Wilson back on the Firefly station. He left a clone in his place, a dumb one according to him. Wilson told me that he needed to be there to ‘drive me around’ or something. Not sure what he means. So, he is officially a stowaway.
    I’m not a hacker, not even a little bit. I am about the farthest you can get from a computer programmer and still be able to use a computer. Wilson like to help me out. He cracked the ships systems to got me some me updated books and tech manuals to read.
    I am still trying to understand these people that have ‘captured’ me. They tell me that my old Navy the PPL joined with its mortal enemy the AA and formed an Empire. I don’t understand that at all. Still trying to wrap my brain around it. Wilson has been getting me news reports and such but it is all out-of-context so I don’t really understand it all. I really need to just see things for myself. Kind of hard when I’m a prisoner.
    All these tech manuals have shown me that there is lots of new and improved technology and I just can’t wait to get my hands on it! Some of the new ship designs, like the one I’m on right now, just make my hands itch. It’s an engineer thing. Unfortunately I’m not allowed in engineering to check things out. That whole enemy thing again. They can come and see me though. Apparently, like a vid-star, I now have fans.
    I really didn’t do anything, that any good engineer would not have been able to do, given the time and materials.
    Spending my days in confinement is starting to get old. There is a daily bright light though.
    Finally, a chance to get out of here for a walk.
    It's lunch time in the mess hall and my escorts are here. Wilson likes to call them Turner and Hooch. He says its because “Hooch” looks like a pit bull. I have no idea of their real names. To me a guard is guard. For some reason I am always brought into the mess hall through the main entrance. I never get to go through the more interesting back way. Did they think the PPL did not have kitchens. The one here must be Top Secret as much trouble they go through to keep me out. The cooks and wait staff were not on my list of approved contacts. My escorts always have to order for me.
    I ate my soy burger in peace as my escorts guarded my table. T&H never eat and they never seem to talk. I’m starting to think they might be robots.

    Following our normal routine we walked to the observation deck. I was allowed to gaze at the stars and exercise by walking, for thirty minutes. We then had the usual silent trip back to my cell. The first couple of days I tried to talk to T&H but, keeping with the robot theme they don’t speak at all. At least not to me.
    Only a few more days until we arrive at Naval HQ. Hopefully they have my hearing or trial or something, soon after. Admiral Kane's staff was waiting for me when my exercise period was completed. They were going to “brief” me on what was to happen when we reached the base.
    “Houston, we have a Problem.” said Wilson in my ear.
    “What is going on, just what you done now?”
    “I hacked the Admiral's Chief of staffs; network and it seems that part of Command HQ is not going to go along with the promise that Kane made to you. They are going to prosecute you and lock you up!”
    Hiding my expression from the guards, I sub-vocalized, “They can't

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