Carlie Simmons (Book 1): Until Morning Comes

Read Carlie Simmons (Book 1): Until Morning Comes for Free Online

Book: Read Carlie Simmons (Book 1): Until Morning Comes for Free Online
Authors: JT Sawyer
Tags: Zombies
    “Approaching the four-story building,
eighty meters to the northeast,” Gerald said. Carlie saw his vehicle slam over
the street curb as both Suburbans flew onto the spacious sidewalk that
intersected the nursing and toxicology buildings, near their intended location.
    While the Suburbans beelined for the
building, a crowd of a few hundred students was scattering around the courtyard,
heading in their direction. Behind the bewildered group were yellow-faced attackers
whose cheeks were deeply furrowed. They moved like they were jolted by
electricity, their speed and agitated movement cascading over those who were
    Carlie saw Gerald’s SUV zig-zag in the
narrow confines beside the buildings while dodging people. Then she saw the
lead vehicle slam into a cement pylon as she veered to the right, just missing
the bumper and crashing through a plate-glass window of the chemistry building.
She slammed the brakes, coming to a halt before the front desk.
    Carlie took a deep breath and quickly
performed a mental scan of her body for any injuries. With the thick metal-reinforced
sidewalls and bulletproof glass, the Suburban had absorbed a considerable
amount of punishment but was still intact.
    Carlie unslung her weapons and shoved
open the door, jumping out and sweeping the lobby. She could hear the hissing
of the front tire, which was nearly flat, and then caught the hum of automatic
weapons fire to her rear as agents from Gerald’s vehicle sent rounds into
swarms of maniacal attackers coming their way.
    She leaned across the black hood and
began delivering short, controlled bursts of gunfire into the oncoming
attackers to her left. What had started out as a few crazed people had now
turned into dozens as the assaulters ran directly into the hail of bullets.
    The lifeless eyes of the attackers were
fixated on Gerald’s crew regardless of the bullet-riddled bodies stacking up before
    Within seconds several of her colleagues
near the lead vehicle had been savagely mauled, and then she saw Gerald get seized
by three attackers and go down in a twisted mess of biting jowls and clawing hands.
Dropping in her third magazine, Carlie began moving towards Gerald’s location,
and looked on in horror as she saw his head severed and arterial spray
throbbing from his corpse. She felt a wave of nausea spout up insider her and
her vision start to grow hazy, but she instinctively lifted her weapon and
began shooting at the incoming horde of attackers, whose faces were the color
of old cheese. Carlie, Phillip, and another agent began bounding backwards
towards the staircase in the lobby.
    “Come with me to extract Gemini,” snapped
Carlie, forcing the words out. She bolted for the stairs with the bald-headed
man from her team and Phillip on her heels. Terrified students were pushing
past her in their frenzy to escape the building.
    As they ascended, she briefly glanced
back at the other SUV outside and could see the last two men firing their weapons
into enraged creatures heading for them. Carlie stopped and aimed her rifle at
the incoming rabid attackers heading into the lobby, who moved like a school of
barracudas, hurtling themselves at any students in their way.
    Running up the stairs, Carlie lowered
one weapon and reached up to her ear-mic to contact the downtown headquarters.
“Alpha One, do you copy? This is Team Two.”
    “Go ahead, Team Two.”
    “We are on foot, inbound for the
package. Team Leader and four other agents are KIA. Primary evac route has been
comprised. Request immediate evac on roof, over.”
    “Copy that. ETA to your position is ten
minutes, over.”
    “Copy, Team Leader Two out.”
    As they crested the landing to the third
floor two creatures lept over the stairs. Carlie shot one in mid-air, ripping
into its head with a volley of bullets, while the other slammed into the
bald-headed man behind her, tearing at his face like a feral dog. Carlie deftly
kicked the creature in the head long enough

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