Broken: Hidden Book Two

Read Broken: Hidden Book Two for Free Online

Book: Read Broken: Hidden Book Two for Free Online
Authors: Colleen Vanderlinden
Tags: paranormal romance
clearly incapable of anything more than roughing up street thugs. My official word is that there are no supernatural beings here.”
    I smirked. “Lying, chief? I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you.”
    He snorted. “I’m the last word, but not everyone is going to believe me. I have a couple of guys who are hell-bent on looking into this supernatural thing, and I don’t doubt they’re going to keep poking around. I don’t think they’ll be any real trouble for you, but you should know they’re out there.”
    I nodded.
    “So, unofficially, thank you. Could you maybe not leave so many bodies around next time you go on a killing spree?”
    I stared at him. “Are you serious?”
    “Dead serious. I appreciate what you’re doing. But bodies lead to questions, and you know that those are the last things we need. When Nain was in charge, he always made sure things disappeared before questions were asked.”
    “I will try to clean up my messes when I’m done playing, Chief,” I said, stuffing my hands into my coat pockets.
    “Thank you.” He paused. “I am sorry about your husband. I never met Nain, but I heard about him through my family, my pack. He was respected. If you ever need the assistance of the Northside shifters, you have it.”
    “Thank you.”
    He sighed. “My report won’t make the general populace stop wondering about you. You’re a legend. Please watch yourself. A Normal gets a photo or god help us, video, of you in action, and nothing I can say will make that disappear.”
    I nodded. “I am careful. I’ll remain so.”
    “Excellent. I have to go. Take care, Angel. Don’t let these fools get you down.”
    I shook his hand. “Chief, I don’t think I can feel much lower anyway.”
    “I hear you. Nice meeting you.”
    I nodded, and watched him walk off. Well. At least I had one less thing to worry about now.
    I left, wandered the city aimlessly for the rest of the day and into the evening. Thinking. Wondering how to do everything I’m supposed to do. How to keep Shanti, Brennan, Stone, and Ada safe and happy. How to stay on top of the never-ending influx of troublemakers into the city. The chief hadn’t been wrong; I’d taken out most of the worst big bads in the city that night. The only trouble was that their deaths had left a gap, and there were plenty of beings out there who now vied for the power people like Astaroth and the Puppeteer used to have. The only difference now is that I didn’t know these new enemies. They were more likely to take me by surprise.
    And then there was the gateway. Demons, Furies, things you read about in mythology books and never even once think you’ll ever come face to face with. A threat so much worse than the ones I already knew about.
    Before I made my way home, I’d saved two women in the process of getting carjacked (by Normals, so it barely took any effort at all, really), taken out a warlock who’d been using local shifters in his sacrifices, and subdued a sprite who was wreaking havoc in one of the group homes on Grand Boulevard. Not a bad night’s work.
    It was near dawn when I finally arrived back at the loft. Tired enough that, for once, I actually went into Nain’s room, fell into bed, and slept.
    ♦ ♦ ♦
    The days all kind of melded into one long, endless cycle of meetings, destroying, and long  mostly sleepless nights. The only distraction from the haze of pain, violence, and anger that was my existence was Shanti.
    We were working at helping her control her bloodlust, at recognizing it and taking care of it before she lost control. Brennan was training her to fight, and she seemed to really enjoy it. She’d taken a few courses after I’d found her, so she was happy to learn more. Her training and guard duty was mainly falling to Brennan and I. He handled training and was ever-watchful to make sure she was fed regularly. She was getting much better at control. I'd started working on mental shielding with her, but, for the

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