Big Bad Bite
“Why do you need to talk to her?
I gotta tell you, I’m not feeling too enthusiastic about running
off the newest member to my SWAT team. If she doesn’t bother to
come back because we scared her it could be the end of her career.
Not to mention I don’t much like havin’ made the poor gal so
    Donning his usual stance, Adam stood there
with his arms crossed over his chest. The demon was starting to
agitate him. His inner wolf snarled at the unconscious poke at his
dominance. “It’s pack business now, Kent. While I appreciate your
help tonight I think the rest of this no longer concerns you.”
    He stood eerily still with his face
expressionless, beating down the urge to flash his canines in
annoyance. Kent stood there a minute longer staring at him
incredulously. “Are you trying to tell me that she’s a wolf? Is
that what you’re trying to insinuate here? I’m finding that
possibility a little hard to believe if she felt me trying to skim
her thoughts. Look, I’m not going to let you run Jenna off like
that. I think she’s good people. So unless you tell me what the
hell is going on, then you can forget about me helping you out
anymore. Like I said, I’m not going to let you scare Jenna
    Adam heaved a heavy sigh. “Kent, I saw her
with my own two eyes. She’s a wolf. Whatever else is going on with
her… I don’t know. Whatever the reason, it honestly doesn’t matter.
She’s a lone female wolf without a pack and that’s just not
acceptable. So will you help me or not?”
    Kent pushed an irritated hand through his
hair. “Look, I’ll be honest. I don’t much like the idea of you
trying to force pack on Jenna. If she’s a loner it’s for a damn
good reason, I’m sure.” As Adam started to interrupt, he held up a
hand to stop him. “On the other hand, I’m also afraid Jenna might
need help of some kind. So I’ll get her number but I’m going to
call her and try to smooth this over. Ask her to meet us somewhere
to get her bike. I’ll call you as soon as I can get a hold of
    Adam climbed on his bike and started the
engine. Giving Kent one final, harsh look, “You do that. But don’t
think I don’t smell her scent all over you, Demon. She’s a wolf,
leave her alone. She belongs to our kind. I’ll expect a call
tomorrow.” As he left Kent standing in the dust behind the bar and
headed towards his home, Adam’s inner wolf howled in pure
lust-filled interest. This was becoming the kind of chase he could
never resist. After she had shifted, her scent became stronger.
Damn, did she smell delicious! Like wild honeysuckle and sugar
cookies. Never in his life had he wanted to roll around in
someone’s scent so much so that it coated his skin, drowning out
everything around him. His beast was happily growling at the
thought of tracking little Jenna down, getting all of her dirty
little secrets, and then wooing her into submission. If he had
anything to say about it, he’d be taking her back to pack lands as
a potential mate. For himself.
    Jenna climbed the back steps to her Mama’s
house naked, exhausted, covered in blood, and utterly happy. She
woke up long before the sun lit the sky to go for a run and catch
some breakfast. Her inner wolf was restless. The small deer she
took down this morning would hold her over for most of the day but
she would probably have to go for a run tonight. The few hours she
had spent this morning in the woods had helped to clear her mind,
but now that she was back in her human form, she needed to decide
what she was going to do about yesterday’s events.
    As Jenna made her way to the bathroom, she
noticed out of one of the living room French doors that her Mama
was reading on the porch. Good. She had some time to take a shower
and clean off. Locking the door, she turned the shower spray on hot
and climbed in. The water sluiced down her body as she dipped her
head beneath the spray. Shampooing and rinsing her hair she

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