Big Bad Bite
her truck to head home to her
Mama’s. Her beast wanted to run free to hunt. Taste fresh blood in
her mouth, as she devoured a meal of rabbit or squirrel.
    Well her furry little ass could just get over
it. They had bigger problems to solve.
    Luckily Jenna was supposed to have the next
forty-eight hours off anyways. So a trip home to Mama gave her some
much needed space to figure out what she needed to do next, and the
state protected forest behind her house for a good hunt. As she
crossed the space to the back yard of her place, she let her beast
sit and indulge in the moon’s light for a moment. She at least
deserved this for saving their asses tonight. Hell, who was she
kidding? Jenna needed the quiet comfort of nature too. The wind
blew gently across her fur, caressing her body and offering a small
sense of calm. Raising her head to the sky, she let a heartbreaking
howl rip through the night air. In that moment, Jenna had to be the
loneliest half wolf shifter on the planet.

Chapter Three
    Adam trotted back to the bar in his wolf form.
First, he would see if Kent was still in the parking lot, then he
would shift and grab the change of clothes from his bike. After
that, he could contemplate the best way to reel in his new
obsession. It was a damn good thing he had remembered to grab a
fresh set of clothing to put in one of the saddlebags before he had
left his house. Somehow his instincts had told him a shift would be
needed, and he didn’t figure the authorities in Wilmington would
appreciate a naked man driving his motorcycle around the
    His heart was pounding from
his discovery and the chase she gave him. He now had more reason
than ever to track her down. Who would've thought that he would
find not only an unknown female shifter here in Wilmington so close
to his pack lands, but a female lone wolf? It was unheard of. Females were so
few among the packs that they were always sheltered and guarded to
the point of crazed possessiveness. Almost never letting them leave
pack lands. The males in the pack simply couldn’t afford to have an
eligible female, or their mate, taken or hurt, to deprive them of
the next generation they were supposed to produce. So who had let
this female loose? Or perhaps since she was such a feisty one she
had escaped her pack? Whatever it was, Adam intended to find out.
Then perhaps she could be persuaded to join his pack. Lust hummed
through his body as he thought of all the ways he’d like to
persuade her.
    His animal was always there, just beneath
the surface, even more so than other shifters. There was a part of
him that was always wolf, even in his human form. Adam was faster
and stronger than any other predator out there. He had to be in
order to protect himself and those he cared for.
    His eyes would never shift to what humans
might consider a normal color. Instead, they stayed their bright
amber hue in both forms. That feature alone was practically unheard
of. Shifters had normal shades of blues, greens and browns for eye
colors in their human forms. However, in their shifted forms they
sported eye colors closer to their animal brethren in shades of
brown, amber, gray, yellow and a small percentage with green. The
chances of a shifter carrying the same eye color in both forms were
slim to none. So Adam figured his nickname should be Slim.
    What most of the younger generations of
shifters didn’t know was that this complex level of genetic
deception in appearance was due to the evolutionary beginnings of
the shifter race. The shifter race was not born onto this planet as
they lived today. Instead, as the humans evolved from primates that
walked up right into their current highly intelligent state, you
could say that the shifter race evolved right along with them. They
started as some of the original predatory creatures on the planet.
In fact, they lived during the reign of the dinosaurs.
    The shifters that survived the asteroid that
wiped out most of life from the planet,

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