Big Bad Bite
including the dinosaurs,
went on to live their lives in the drastically changed world. The
need for survival in dire circumstances somehow had wired their DNA
to adapt to what was needed to survive in the environment around
them. Where other species of animals died off, unable to live and
find nourishment in the new harsh climates, the shifters’ ancestors
survived. With time, as their surroundings continued to change,
their DNA changed with them. Those changes led to large, lethal
animal forms, considerably higher intelligence, and immensely
longer life spans than that of the other species around them.
    Eventually, mammals were born and became
plentiful on the planet. The changes in the world just kept coming.
So the evolutionary changes in the shifter species also continued.
Around the time primates were formed, shifters came in many shapes,
sizes and forms. The ancestors of the wolves, predatory cats, and
bears spread throughout the world, living in packs to promote the
continuation of their species. Compared to their unintelligent
animal brethren they were stronger, faster, and now lived hundreds
of years longer than what could be considered their closest
cousins, such as the Saber tooth Tigers. Although shifters had a
hard time producing offspring, the cubs they did give life to
seemed to be that much healthier, sturdier, quicker, and lived that
much longer than their parents before them.
    As humans evolved from
primates, traveling farther out into the world, and procreating
much faster than any other mammal species in existence, the now
highly intelligent shifter race knew they would become a threat one
day. Somehow, that extra significant survival gene allowed them to
push their bodies into the next stage of evolution. To become the
ultimate chameleon in the rapidly changing predator game of
    They obtained the ability to change their
appearance from their respective animal form into that of the now
highly dangerous human form who hunted them for food and supplies.
With the ability to blend, shifters gained one last advantage in
the game of survival, the ability to hide in plain sight by
blending in with their enemy. It was excruciatingly painful to
force their bones to break apart and reform into their enemies’
likeness, but after years of trying they were finally successful.
In human form, they had the same soft, vulnerable skin devoid of
hair to keep their bodies warm, but they also grew slightly taller
and bulkier than the humans did. They might have seemed weaker
since they didn’t retain their claws or canines but they could use
their preternatural speed, intelligence, and their hands to use the
humans own weapons against a perceived enemy. To wage war and
maneuver humans away from wherever shifter packs claimed that
    His voice was just this
side of a growl no matter how harmless he tried to pretend to be
and his wolf was always there, never fully letting go. Others like him would
have been put down for being too close to their animals in such a
way. These kinds of traits could be symptoms of feral shifters.
However, Adam had always been enough of a controlled bad ass to
scare even the most dominant of Alphas. There was less than a
handful that could take him. Those that could kill him, well they
seemed to like him better alive. Lucky him.
    Rounding the corner he came into view of the
bar parking lot and saw Kent standing next to Jenna’s bike. Bobbing
his head to indicate Kent follow him, Adam made his way behind the
bar where his bike and spare clothes were parked. He shifted
quickly and was pulling jeans on as Kent walked towards him.
    “Seein’ as though you’re alone, I’m takin’
it that you didn’t catch her?” Kent drawled.
    “No. She’s a fast little one. But I need to
find and talk to her now more than ever. Do you think you can get
her phone number?” Adam pulled a white t-shirt over his head.
    Cocking his head to the side, Kent studied
him for a moment before speaking,

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