Beautifully Broken

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Book: Read Beautifully Broken for Free Online
Authors: Shayne Donovan
around myself feeling the wall I painstakingly built around myself cracking. “Oh and take three Tylenol and a whole glass of water before you sleep. There shouldn’t be any hang over if you do. Good night Marley, sweet dreams.” As he walked away I fought the urge to chase after him and spill every little secret I had. Once he made his way past Dolly’s house I went inside.
                  I stood in the entry for a solid ten minutes staring at the top of the fridge. I wanted so badly to pull down one of my many bottles. I wanted it so bad that my hands were trembling and my mouth watered. I moved towards the kitchen angrily snatching a glass from the cupboard and filling it with water from the sink. How could one man ruin everything I spent so long building up? Dolly, Harry, even Miss Michelle, none of them affected me the way Cole did.
                  I made my way towards the bathroom and rummaged inside my medicine cabinet, pulling out a bottle of Tylenol and shooting two of them with a chaser of water. I needed sleep. I needed to forget that tonight made me feel. I pulled my shirt over my head and dropped it in the hall. “Stupid.” I muttered and I ripped off my shorts as I entered my bedroom. I have got to be more careful. It was a close call today and I couldn’t afford him getting closer. I crawled into my bed, pulling the blankets up and under my chin and thankfully sleep came quickly although filled with awful dreams.
    Chapter Five
                  The rumble of the train was headed straight towards me. I could already feel the heat of the wind brushing against my hair. The black sky is dotted with orange embers and I can distinctly smell smoke. I look around my heart suddenly leaps into my throat. Adrenaline pumps through my veins as I look around, searching for the source of the fire.
                  “Hello!” I scream into the empty space. The ledge is overlooking the tracks and I can just barely make out the orange glow coming from the tracks. “This is your fault.” His voice is cold and malicious and sends icy shivers down my spine as I turn to face him. His face is hard and jaw is set in a firm line. “What are you talking about?” I ask shakily. Cole has his arms folded defiantly over his chest, his shoulders are noticeably tense. “I think you know Marley.” He sneered. Hatred was pouring off of him in waves. His eyes left me and moved to the tracks.
                  The train was barreling towards us with flames licking the air. I felt my eyes go wide and my stomach drop. “Oh my god…” I whispered in shock. The entire train was engulfed in flames, smoke billowing into the sky as it burned. I could see hands sticking out from between the flames but couldn’t make anything out. Cole came along side me and watched as the train continued to get closer. “You brought them into this Marley. You hurt them. Why didn’t you just move on like you were supposed to?” He growled. The train was just in front of us now, the only compartment not burning was where the driver sat. His face smiled at me and his gray eyes mirrored mine. Except whereas mine portrayed horror, his shone with radiant joy. The sob pitched me forward and onto my knees. I tried as hard as I could not to form attachments but as someone that lacked love growing up it was pointless. I loved these people and now he had killed them. He had killed them all and it was my fault.
                  I woke with a jolt and sat up with tears still streaming down my face. I was shaking all over as Cole’s icy words ran through my head, over and over like some sort of broken record. I threw the blankets onto the floor and stumbled my way to the bathroom. The second I made it I dropped painfully to my knees and emptied my stomach. I threw up until my throat was raw.
                  Slowly as the sobs racked my aching body I made my way to the tub

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