for you to cool down. This is essential!
Variation 2 Ingredients:
a) 2-3 cups of Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulphate) - approx 2 lbs
b) 1-2 cups of Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) - approx 1 lb
c) Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) - 1 pint of 3% solution OR 1.5
ounces of 35% solution
Run a hot bath and add all your ingredients apart from the H2O2 -
add that at the end and swirl it into the bath. You want to SWEAT!!
Try and stay as submerged as possible but do NOT get the water into
your eyes.
After 10-30 minutes, take a freezing cold shower for 1 minute, or
however long it takes for you to cool down.
a) If you can, skin brush before getting into the bath – this starts
lymphatic movement and will help you detoxify more.
b) You can add some oregano oil, cayenne pepper, ginger powder to
make you sweat more.
c) You can spray your body (avoid eyes) a few minutes before and
straight after the bath with 3% Hydrogen peroxide, and that will help
to alkalize you even more.
d) If you're really brave and want to open up your pores more, take
50mg of Niacin B3 (you MUST get the flush version). Take this on an
empty stomach 10 minutes before getting into the bath. Your body
will flush red and you will feel your skin is prickly. The sensation
should last 30-60 minutes, but this is a really powerful way to sweat
and open up your pores for more efficient detoxification. NOTE:
Don’t try this until you’ve used the regular bath for more than 2
• Make sure you filter the water you use to fill the bath. The easiest
way to do this is to buy a bath water filter, see resources.
• Make sure you're well hydrated before the bath, also take a herbal
tea into the bathroom with you and sip while bathing. I like to take
ginger and lemon, peppermint, elderberry, or dandelion.
• If you are extremely ill and weak, these baths can feel exhausting.
Please make sure someone is around should you need to get some
help out of the bath! Only stay in the bath as long as you can take it,
if that means starting with 5 or 10 minutes, go for it! Alternatively,
just try alkalizing foot baths to begin with.
• The hydrogen peroxide supplies the Extra Oxygen which is needed by
the body for the Electrical charges.
• Baking Soda is called Bicarbonate of soda or Sodium bicarbonate
(NaHCO3). The Baking soda provides extra Sodium in the water which
may help neutralise the excess acids which the Epsom Salts pulls out
of the body among other things, so helping the body to heal much
• These detox baths cause the body to get rid of toxins through
sweating through the pores, and it is essential that the water is very
warm/hot and can stay that way throughout the duration of bathing.
It is the heat of the hot water which causes the Acidic Nitrogen
Isotope to be drawn out of the body.
• The reason people feel so exhausted after soaking is because of the
amount of acids which have been released from your body fats, into
your Lymphatic system, and on their way to be eliminated out
through your skin pores. The Acids which would be causing the most
problem may be the Nitrogen Acid Isotope along with any other
toxins, which is the reason for taking the cold shower afterwards, yet
you only need to shower cold and long enough, to take the heat out
of your skin on the outer body!
• Taking this cold shower afterwards, stops the release of any more
acids so you may recover from having too many acids to overload the
Lymphatic system, which may cause one to feel poorly, if the acid
release isn't stopped. Everything should be done in cycles, so the
body may recover. Release some acids and allow the body to dispose
of them and relax for a while and start the cycle over again.
• You can do these baths as often as daily, but that may be too much
for some.
• People are cautioned to start out slow at first. If one does the