so whenever it gets a chance, it works hard to convert this
harmful fat into something that can be eliminated safely.
Colon Health
You have probably heard the phrase "Death begins in the colon." This is
because substances that are not eliminated stick like plaque to intestinal
walls and prevents the absorption of vital nutrients. This leads to a state
that is very friendly to the breeding of bad fungus and bacteria.
As your body becomes more and more acidic, the internal environment
becomes inviting for microforms and harmful bacteria to grow and
proliferate. These microforms excrete toxins into your system, thereby
causing your body to become even more acidic which allows for more
microforms to grow and so forth and so on. The next thing you know you
are really sick and caught in that cycle of endless antibiotic prescriptions.
This is crucial because bad bacteria can migrate from your colon to your
pelvic area very easily and cause all kinds of complications.
Fortunately, by following the recommend diet and using the provided
cleanses, you’ll quickly lower your weight while helping your body eliminate
these stored toxins.
Types of Cleansing
Liver Cleanse
The liver is a very important organ. Many systems within the body depend
on the function of the liver.
Many people believe that gallstones can be found only in the gallbladder.
This is a commonly made yet false assumption. Most gallstones are
actually formed in the liver, and comparatively few occur in the gallbladder.
Gallstones in the liver restrict the supply of nutrients to the cells of the
reproductive organs. Liver function affects nutrient and hormone balance.
Liver congestion is among the leading health problems, yet conventional
medicine rarely refers to it, nor do doctors have a reliable way to detect
and diagnose such a condition. It takes many years of chronic liver
congestion before liver damage becomes apparent. Standard clinical tests
almost never reveal the occurrence of gallstones in the liver. In fact, most
doctors don’t even know they grow there. Only the most advanced
research universities, such as the prestigious Johns Hopkins University,
describe and illustrate these liver stones in their literature.
By understanding how gallstones in the liver contribute to the occurrence
or deterioration of nearly every kind of illness, and by taking the simple
steps to remove them, you will put yourself in charge of restoring your own
health and vitality, permanently. Most people in the developed world have
accumulated hundreds, and in many cases, thousands of hardened stones
in the liver. The AlkaCleanse described in the diet book will teach you how
to gently and effectively remove these gallstones.
When all gallstones from the liver are removed and a healthy diet and
lifestyle are maintained, the reproductive tissue receives improved
nourishment and becomes more resistant. Infections subside and sexual
functions are restored.
Colon Cleanse
Even though internal cleansing and proper bowel elimination is not a
common topic for most of us, talking about colon cleansing is important.
The fact is, if you have dirty bowels, chances are your body is full of toxins.
Even a healthy diet is not enough anymore, especially if your perceived
healthy diet is not primarily organic. Sadly, because of these factors, it is
unlikely your body is functioning efficiently, or if it is now, this is not a
guarantee for a healthy future. It is therefore essential to remove the build-
up of waste matter and toxins from the colon.
Once a colon cleansing removes accumulated wastes from the walls of the
colon, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids are absorbed more
effectively and supplied to the rest of the body. Anyone suffering from
painful digestive disorders, skin problems, lack of energy, and symptoms
that go unresolved is likely in need of an internal cleanse.
In our culture, we are obsessed with outer