rakes, brooms and buckets (see receipts 1, 2 and 3) so that, working diligently under his supervision, they could burn the garbage, wash down the floor and walls and disinfect everything with creosote. Later it was necessary to insert poison and plug up holes as well as to spread traps to halt the invasion of rodents, so abundant and brazen that, although it sounds like an exaggeration, they came out and walked contemptuously before the undersigned’s eyes and even bumped into his feet. The whitewashing and painting of the walls was attended to, which persistently called attention to the shameful writings and drawings (the spot must have concealed illicit lovemaking as well) and the little crosses of the “brothers” that show through. At the same time, it has been necessary to acquire in the Bethlehem Market, at bargain prices, some office furniture such as a desk, chair, table and filing cabinet for the command post (receipts 4, 5, 6 and 7).
(d) That in regard to the open ground (where many objects such as tin cans and broken-down engines can still be seen, which were left behind by the Army from the time when it used the site as a depot and which the Special Service has not wanted to destroy while awaiting further orders), it has been swept up and duly cleaned. (Even a dead snake was found, under a pile of branches.) The undersigned has the honor of reporting that in one week—by imposing details of ten and even twelve hours, of course—he has succeeded with all of the above actions in converting the indescribable dung heap that was turned over to him into a habitable site: simple but orderly, clean and even pleasant, such as befits all branches of our Army—even clandestine ones, as in the present case.
4. (a) That once the site was prepared, the undersigned proceeded to draw up various maps and charts to demark with the greatest exactitude the potential number of users, the area that SSGFRI will cover and the routes its convoys will follow. (b) That the following figures summarize the preliminary topographical evaluation: the Special Service will cover an area of approximately 400,000 square kilometers, which includes 8 garrisons, 26 posts and 45 encampments as potential utilization centers, toward which the primary means of communication from the command post and logistics center are the aerial and river routes (see map number 1), although in some exceptional cases transportation can be effected by land (in the vicinity of Iquitos, Yurimaguas, Contamana and Pucallpa). (c) That in order to determine the potential number of users of the Special Service, he was allowed to send (with the authorization of the commander in chief of Region V) the following questionnaire of his own devising to all the Garrisons, Frontier and Related Installations, so that it could be administered by the company leaders or, in their absence, by the group commander:
1. How many unmarried recruits and soldiers are under your command? Before responding, consider that for its purposes, this questionnaire groups among the married men not only the recruits and soldiers joined in marriage by the Church or State but also all those who have common-law wives, and includes those who, in an irregular or sporadic manner, maintain some sort of intimate cohabitation in the vicinity where they serve .
NOTE: The questionnaire is aimed at establishing, with the greatest precision, the number of men under its administration who do not maintain any form, permanent or temporary, of marital life.
2. Once having ascertained with the greatest exactitude the number of unmarried men under your command (in the sense established by the questionnaire), proceed to subtract from this sum all recruits and soldiers who for one reason or another could be classified as incapacitated for the realization of intimate activities of a normal marital sort—that is, those who are inverts, inveterate onanists, impotent and/or sexually apathetic .
NOTE: Taking into