operation, the Special Service not include the intermediate ranks of officers.
6. (a) That he also proceeded to establish the first contacts for the purpose of recruitment. Thanks to the cooperation of an individual answering to the name of Porfirio Wong, alias the Chink, whom he met by chance in the nightclub designated the Mau Mau (260 Pebas St.), he made a nighttime visit to a place of entertainment, located on the highway to Nanay Beach, that is administered by Madame Leonor Curinchila, alias Chuchupe, and frequented by loose women. Since the said Leonor Curinchila is a friend of Porfirio Wong, the latter was able to introduce her to the undersigned, who, for his purposes, was able to pass himself off as a businessman (import/export), having recently settled in Iquitos and being in search of recreation. The above-mentioned Leonor Curinchila showed herself to be cooperative and the undersigned—there being no other way out than to drink a lot (receipt 8)—succeeded in gathering valuable data related to the work system and the habits of the establishment’s personnel. Thus in Casa Chuchupe some 16 women form what might be called the permanent stable, because there are others—about 15 or 20—who work irregularly, coming some days, missing others, for reasons ranging anywhere from venereal diseases (e.g., gonorrhea or chancres), contracted in the offering of their services, to transitory concubinage or short-term contracts (e.g., accompanying a lumberjack on a week’s trip to the mountains), which temporarily take them away from their place of business. In brief, the entire staff of Casa Chuchupe, both fixed and fluctuating, is some 30 prostitutes, although the actual (but rotating) stable each night is only half that. On the day when the undersigned carried out his inspection, he recorded only eight present, but there was a special reason: the arrival in Iquitos of the aforementioned Brother Francisco. Most of these eight must be more than twenty-five years old, although this calculation is uncertain, since in the Amazon the women age prematurely, it not being uncommon to meet on the street very seductive-looking women with developed hips, firm breasts and an insinuating walk who, judging by the standards of the coast, are assumed to be twenty or twenty-two and then turn out to be thirteen or fourteen. Besides, the undersigned conducted his observations half in the dark, Casa Chuchupe being poorly lighted, because there are not enough electrical outlets, or maybe on account of lasciviousness, since darkness is more seductive than light and, if I may be permitted a joke, since “all cats look gray in the dark.” Pushing thirty, then, the majority are average-looking from a good distance, if evaluated by a functional criterion and without going into fine points. That is, they have attractive and rounded bodies, especially in the hips and the breasts—parts that tend to be generous in this corner of our country—and presentable faces, although at close range it is possible to confirm more defects, the result not so much of being born ugly but rather of acne, smallpox and the loss of teeth—the latter a fairly frequent mishap in the Amazon because of the debilitating climate and inadequate diet. Among the eight women present, those with white skin and native jungle features predominated; next came the mulattoes and finally those of an Oriental type. The average height is short rather than tall and the vitality and the joy typical of this country is a common characteristic of the personnel. During his stay on the premises, the undersigned saw that when they were not offering their services, the prostitutes danced and sang enthusiastically, making a racket without giving any signs of fatigue or dampened spirits, and often breaking out with jokes and brashness of the shameful nature only to be expected in this sort of establishment. But, at the same time, they did not have a troublemaking nature, although judging from