Anarchy in New Enlgand

Read Anarchy in New Enlgand for Free Online

Book: Read Anarchy in New Enlgand for Free Online
Authors: Joe Jarvis
kept most of these areas sanitized! If the addicts weren't in jail, they were in the ghetto where they belonged, not living side by side with honest hard working people! But with all this extra wealth floating around these scum had options in this society.
    "How ridiculous ," thought Barry, " that I have to demean myself laboring day in and day out for my money, while Trix just begs and collects free handouts on every corner. Pathetic."
    Barry waved his mini-tab at the receiver on the magnet tunnel terminal to order a level 1 pod to pick him up. It was there in a matter of seconds, and when the door slid open, Barry could see that it was sparkling clean unlike the level 2 or, God forbid, having to take a level 3 pod!
    These reverse magnet tunnels were vacuum sealed and shot pods – compact cylindrical capsules where up to ten people or cargo was carried – through the mostly above ground tubes which ran along highway medians, roads, old railways and the like. Drop off points were mostly terminals owned by various pod companies, though hospitals, security companies, and big businesses, as well as some extremely wealthy people had the tube built right into their buildings or houses.  A few people had their own pod, but mostly everyone just ordered them at the terminal, and the closest pod in the quality level selected would come, unless you saved preferences for pod companies. Riders could use or refuse specific pod companies, but this could make the wait up to ten minutes if the closest vacant pod was 400 or so kilometers away.
    Pods traveled through the magnet tunnels at up to 5000 kilometers per hour, with vast tube networks running all across North America, and into other parts of the world. There was no air resistance or friction inside the tubes to slow them down. A few major pod tunnel companies had built the largest and most central veins of the system where pods going long distances would get up to top speed. But the smaller tubes with less traffic capacity and more turns would go slower. The system was all automated and in order for a company to plug in, their system would have to be compatible with whatever company owned the tunnel at the point where the new connection would be made. That company already had to make theirs compatible to plug in, and so forth.
    The telescreen was running a news broadcast when Barry entered his pod. It was Crystal Carriers pod company who owned this particular news agency and automatically set the channel to their news station in all their pods.
    "The independent pod system in Texas, continues to be plagued by safety hazards, while costs and customer prices remain above those for mag pods within the New England Style Economy," a women’s soft therapeutic voice explained. "Although the state of Texas regulates the system’s safety standards, another accident occurred yesterday when two pods collided. All 11 occupants were killed when a safety feature failed, propelling a pod into an occupied tunnel at 1200 kilometers per hour where it rear-ended another pod that had slowed to 500 kilometers per hour for a curve.
    "This is the second major magnet pod accident in Texas since 2113. An investigation into that previous accident revealed that a Texas government official was bribed to look the other way on the safety features in the code, while the public assumed there was no risk to the system. The company originally contracted to build the system had donated to over 50% of Texas’s statewide politicians, sparking accusations of political influence in selecting the contractor. Texas’ independent system does not use the same technology and coding as the worldwide New England System, which is why they have yet to plug in.
    "To contrast the safety of the Texas magnet tunnel system with that of the New England Style Economy system, the worst accident on record killed 9 people in 2 pods when a safety backup procedure failed. The code was rewritten, the victims’ families given a generous

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