Amy and Amber

Read Amy and Amber for Free Online

Book: Read Amy and Amber for Free Online
Authors: Kelly McKain
getting so wet that Sally let us stay in trot all the way back down the lanes and on to the yard, instead of going into walk. We were all squealing and giggling as we led our ponies into the barn.
    After we’d changed and towelled down our hair in our rooms we had honey toast and hot blackcurrant round the kitchen table to warm up – yum!

    We’re having a disco tonight, and everyone’s already talking about what they’re going to wear. Genevieve’s doing our hair because she’s really good at it. She’s got a huge washbag full of clips and bands and even her own curling tongs!

Friday morning , in bed!
    I’ve woken up really early – Millie and Kayla are still asleep. I can’t believe this is our last day here! I’m going to make sure I enjoy every second of it, and make the biggest fuss of Amber possible!
    The disco last night was so cool, we all looked really grown up after Genevieve had done our hair and let us borrow her sparkly eyeshadow. I thought it would just be the curtains closed and some of Jody’s CDs, but James actually has a proper mobile disco, with lights and everything!
    We all danced loads and when this Rihanna song came on, me and Kayla did our routine to it that we made up at home. Yes – we actually did it in front of everyone. We really blushed when we realized Jody had filmed us with my camera, but when I played it back at bedtime, we looked OK!

    There was karaoke too, and Sarah, Genevieve and Shanika sang a few songs together (they were fab and looked like a proper girl band!). Me, Kayla and Millie tried to do one too, but we were giggling so much we couldn’t carry on. We ended up collapsing on the floor in hysterics, and Jas, Lexy and Ava had to take over! It was SO much fun – I just wish Amber could have been there!

    I’m really looking forward to the gymkhana today – it’s great that Mum and Dad are coming to see us, and Kayla’s mum, too. I hope me and Amber win something – it would be brilliant to have a rosette to take home!
    Oh, Millie’s alarm’s just gone off – time to get ready and fetch Amber from the field. Yippee! I can’t wait to see her!

Friday, back at home I just want to finish off this diary before I forget anything!

    This morning we had our final lesson (sob sob!) and then after a break for juice and biccies we started to get our ponies ready for the gymkhana. The sun was out again so we tied them up in the yard and got busy brushing and hoof-picking and plaiting. Everyone worked really hard and all the ponies looked fab.
    When I’d finished, Amber looked so smart, like a show pony:

    After lunch the parents started arriving, and we had to pack our stuff and take it down into the porch ready to go home (boo hoo!), but we also got changed into our smart gear for the gymkhana (hooray!). I got Genevieve to do my hair in a French plait to match Amber’s tail and then Ava wanted the same as me so she did hers too.

    We were standing in the kitchen all ready to go down to the yard when Mum and Dad walked in! It was so great to see them – I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed them until that moment. Kayla was the same with her mum, too! When we went out on to the yard I took them to meet Amber and they both gave her a big pat and said how gorgeous she was. I managed to get a few shots of the girls doing their final brush downs and tacking upbefore I had to hand the camera over to Dad and get ready myself.

    Mum, Dad and Kayla’s mum stood with the other parents by the manège fence as we all filed in for the tack and turn-out competition, and I could see Dad filming us. Ava and Star won, and Sarah and Charm came second, so no rosettes for me and Kayla, but never mind. I just thought to myself, right I really have to win a gymkhana race now!
    Group B had their races first, so my group rode out of the manège, dismounted and stood by the fence watching, while our ponies munched on the grass verge. Kayla looked surprised and

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