Bound to Be Taken [Rock Wood Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Read Bound to Be Taken [Rock Wood Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) for Free Online

Book: Read Bound to Be Taken [Rock Wood Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) for Free Online
Authors: Sam Crescent
Tags: Romance
the brush from her nightstand. This was her own room. Micah had made sure to give her her own room. There was no chance of her leaving the house. He’d become like a parent figure to her.
    “There’s nothing to tell. He helped me and then he stayed to make sure I was okay.”
    She thought about the memory he’d shared with her. Nerves hit her in every direction. Nothing good could come of them being mated. His determination frightened her. Pack members would try to claim his spot. Charlotte and Micah were different. She and Cade were pack members and there was a certain code they needed to stick by.
    “Please, I saw him with you. He held you down in his wolf form and there was a connection. Even I sensed the connection between you two. What happened?” David asked.
    She stalled by brushing her hair and rubbing moisturizer into her skin.
    “I’m not going anywhere until you tell me the truth.”
    “I’m not saying a word. Nothing went on. I could have died tonight, Cade helped me, end of story.”
    “Whatever, keep thinking it, baby. Cade has the hots for you. Anyone with eyes can see it. He looked ready to claim you tonight.” David settled on the bed. She lifted the blanket and climbed in beside him.
    “Nothing like that will ever happen.”
    Turning out the light, Titania let sleep claim her. The night had been long and hard, she was exhausted, and sleep was a welcome oblivion to her problems.
    * * * *
    The following morning at breakfast, Titania ignored the blatant stares. She served pancakes to all the pack apart from Micah and the high ranking members, including Cade. Begging Charlotte to do it seemed like a brilliant plan at the time. Maybe she should have opted to serve them instead of the rest of the pack. The way they were looking at her made her skin crawl.
    “So, you can’t turn?” Becky asked. She was strong like Misty, only she wasn’t as mean with it.
    Titania shook her head. Embarrassment flooded her when they started to murmur.
    “I don’t want to hear anymore discussions about last night. What happened was a mistake and negligence on my part. I want to know if anyone else struggles with the change.” The room grew silent as Micah talked. She stood still, waiting for anyone to speak up. No one did. Great, she was the only wolf who couldn’t turn. Glancing at Misty, she saw the smirk on her face.
    “No one has any other ailments I need to know about?” Micah asked.
    Silence again.
    “Then we’ll hear no more of this. Titania, you’ll be training with Cade this morning in the gym alone. Until the full moon, I don’t want you training with anyone else. I will not risk your safety again,” Micah said.
    She looked at Cade. The smug look on his face let her know he’d arranged for that. Alone in the gym practicing was not how she’d be able to stay away from him.
    Refusing her alpha was far worse than spending time with Cade.
    “Yes, sir,” she said.
    Charlotte sent her an encouraging smile.
    “Misty, you’ll be cleaning the floors and the toilets.”
    The clatter of a spoon into a bowl echoed through the room. “You’ve got to be fucking shitting me. That’s not my job.”
    Micah stood, slamming his fist on the table. “I’m the alpha in this place. After what you did yesterday you’re lucky to be alive, Misty. You’ll clean the toilets and do as you’re bid and you’ve got the job for the whole month. Do it right, Jordan has an upset stomach again.”
    Jordan gave the alpha the finger but smiled as he did.
    After she served breakfast, Titania went into the kitchen to eat. Sitting with the pack after that would be a nightmare.
    Charlotte walked in twenty minutes later carrying plates. “Cade is waiting for you in the gym.”
    “I can’t go,” she said.
    “You’ve got to go. There is no choice in this. After what I saw last night I’m in agreement with the men. You need to train to protect yourself.” Charlotte wrapped her arms around

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