ARIANNA: An Original Screenplay

Read ARIANNA: An Original Screenplay for Free Online

Book: Read ARIANNA: An Original Screenplay for Free Online
Authors: Mehul Desai
down and hugs her tight.
    Alana squeezes him back, kissing his cheek.
    ALANA (CONT'D): I love you Kylan Orin.
    To the end of time I will always love you.
    She gently rocks her son, resting her cheek on his head.
    Naiyoo stands by the swing, staring forward.
    Elliott carries a torch to the funeral pyre and lights it.
    Alana's body wrapped in white sheets.
    Kylan's face trembles, tears running.
    As the light of the fire spreads we see friends from Ellora gathered in a circle. Tuck
    and Rence amongst them.
    Elliott watches as the flames consume the body of his wife.
    Sophie reaches aside and takes Kylan's hand.
    Naiyoo lowers her head, standing alone.
    Sophie rests her head on Kylan's shoulder.
    Kylan stares at the flames. Silent.
    FADE IN.
    Red berries on a branch.
    A young woman picks one out and slips it into her mouth.
    ARIANNA, 18, glances aside as she chews.
    Her long pale hair consciously set to cover the left side of her face.
    She adjusts the basket under her arm and returns to her picking.
    Elliott, older, hair greying, passes by with a field hand, both carrying tools.
    ELLIOTT: When you're done here start in the
    kitchen, the men are will be hungry soon.
    Arianna reads his lips and nods.
    Chimney. Kylan works under the sun, using a hammer instead of a pen.
    Arianna carries the basket to the house.
    YOUNG MAN (O.S): Hello beautiful!
    Kylan, 20, looks down.
    KYLAN: Ren, what are you doing here?
    RENCE, 21, stops in front of the house, Arianna passing by unnoticed.
    RENCE: I should be asking you the same
    KYLAN: What are you talking about?
    RENCE: We should have been in town hours
    KYLAN: I can't, I'm busy.
    RENCE: The Festival is two days away, they
    haven't even started putting anything up.
    KYLAN: If you wanna go talk to my father
    then please be my guest.
    RENCE: All right all right, I'll leave you to it.
    But just so you know, Sophie was asking for
    Kylan stops.
    KYLAN: She was?
    RENCE: Says she wanted to talk to you about
    something "important", wouldn't say any
    He turns to leave.
    RENCE (CONT'D): I'll see you later.
    KYLAN: Ren! (beat) If you see her tell her
    again... I've been thinking about her.
    RENCE: (smiles) Sure. Were you using your
    left hand or your right hand?
    Kylan throws a pebble at him.
    KYLAN: Don't be an ass!
    Rence laughs, walking away.
    RENCE: Maybe she'll be the one to finally
    make the next move.
    Kylan draws back and pauses.
    CUT TO.
    Arianna sets the basket on the dinner table and massages her shoulder, tired.
    She adjusts her sleeve and top, both tight, and lifts a jar off the counter.
    She takes out a biscuit, breaking off a small piece, and quietly eats, her eyes checking the doors.
    She looks down at the table and pauses.
    The chairs she and Alana once shared empty.
    She lowers her head and turns away, returning to work.
    CUT TO.
    Lantern light flickers from the windows.
    KYLAN (O.S): I really should help out.
    Kylan finishes his dinner.
    ELLIOTT: You can help out once you've
    finished cleaning those stables.
    KYLAN: I'm not doing this for me it's for the
    Festival, for everyone.
    ELLIOTT: It'll only take you a few hours,
    you'll be finished by noon
    KYLAN: They'll be finished by noon.
    ELLIOTT: Then it doesn't seem like your
    presence is essential.
    Kylan looks aside and tries to think.
    KYLAN: What if I ask Rianna?
    ELLIOTT: She's not your personal slave
    Kylan. She has her own chores to tend to.
    KYLAN: But what if I ask

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