The Impatient Lord
the youngest, Vladan. It was Vlad’s first year. Mirek almost felt bad for his little brother. He could remember well the hope and excitement that had filled him during his first festival. There was no reason to believe that Vlad’s luck would be any different than his siblings when it came to a life mate.
    One unintentional blessing on this year was that his four royal cousins, the Draig princes, would be searching for their brides for the first time. Their royal attendance would take the notice from Mirek’s family.
    The very idea of a lonely marriage ceremony made him tired.
    “It is well you speak, Lord Miroslav, Ealdorman of Draig. We agree to your proposal to send a proposal to your royal family for consideration of our terms for the agreement held herein.”
    At the steady, soft voice, Mirek turned. He let all thoughts o f marriage fade from his mind as he concentrated on his duties. The Lithorian people were a tedious race, small in stature and great in manners. It had taken Mirek years of training to learn just the basic Lithorian etiquettes. However, it was worth it. They produced the best chocolate in the galaxy and every female on the planet practically went crazy for just a taste of it.
    Mirek averted his eyes to the left, bent his head to the side and answ ered, “By the graces of the Lithorian people, I thank you on behalf of my people the Draig, Barun Monke of the Lithor.” Mirek reached out his hands, palms facing up. A thick stack of parchment was placed on them.
    “ The proposal document, Lord Miroslav, Ealdorman of Draig,” the barun said.
    “ By the graces of the Lithorian people, I thank you again, Barun Monke. I will personally deliver this into the hands of Prince Olek, the Draig Royal Ambassador.”
    Mirek did not envy his cousin, the prince. The proposal woul d just be the first of several hundred pages worth of negotiations that would basically end up being a simple straight trade, Galaxa-promethium ore for chocolate.
    “ As agreed,” the barun acknowledged. “The airlock is being initiated between our two ships if you are ready to follow me, Lord Miroslav, Ealdorman of Draig.”
    “ By the graces of the Lithorian people, I thank you again, Barun Monke.” Mirek sighed, trying to fight the headache forming behind his right eye. It was the same headache he received any time he had to deal with these particular negotiators. Too bad today’s appointment wasn’t a stranded Galaxy Playmate ship filled with beautiful, lonely, unmated women. What better distraction to take his mind from the upcoming disappointment of yet another failed ceremony?
    Gods ’ bones, he missed the feel of soft flesh and sweet lips—even if it was merely a physical release. Fleeting pleasures were better than no pleasure at all.
    * * *
    Breeding Festival Grounds, near the Draig Palace, planet of Qurilixen
    R iona winked at the Galaxy Brides crewman. Though the entire section set aside for brides was automated to ensure the bridal cargo arrived uncompromised, the workers flying the spacecraft were not. It hadn’t taken much to hack into the system via a beauty droid’s interior drive and strike up a conversation with a crewman, which had led to a game of chance, which had led to a natural win, which had led to Riona getting a private exit off the ship away from the parade of brides.
    “ Thank you, Charl,” she said. “Remember to watch your mouth. It gives your hand away every time.”
    “ If you’re not looking for a husband, I could give my mouth away to you,” the man offered.
    Riona laughed. “ Better gamblers have tried. Trust me, I’m the kind of trouble a man like you can’t handle.”
    “ You are probably right, especially when you’re wearing a dress like that. See you on the return flight for a rematch.” He grinned and closed the maintenance hatch, leaving her alone on the primitive alien planet.
    Riona smiled. Charl’s mouth wasn’t his only tell. Once she trounced him on the

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