Almost Human
people get addicted to that. It’s like hours of
foreplay in sixty seconds.”
    His tongue caressed the wounds, causing
another erotic jolt to run through my body. “I can do more. I could
bring you with one bite, and my powers. And if I bit you while I
pumped into your body, it would blow your mind. I could demonstrate
both methods.”
    He raked his teeth gently across my throat.
“N-no, thank you. You’ve gotten your blood. Now why don’t you leave
me be?” My mind might be set against him, but it seemed to have
very little control over my body. The idea that he had all the
control was more terrifying than his bite.
    He nipped my ear. “But we haven’t gotten off
yet. That’s where the real fun is.”
    “What happened to hating me? A few hours ago
you were willing to kill me and now you want to be fuck buddies?
Are you bipolar?”
    He pulled back enough to meet my eyes. “I
only wanted to kill you because you’ve tried to kill me and Casey,
and want to butcher my family. Believe it or not, I don’t kill
anymore, and I don’t actively hunt witches and vampire hunters like
my brother Jairdan does. I want to be left alone.” He frowned.
“However, I have no idea what I’m going to do with you now. If I
let you go, you’ll simply come back with a larger force to try and
kill us.” He shook his head. “I need to talk to my brothers.”
    He levered himself off the bed before
pulling on his pants and walking to the door.
    “Wait. Alaric, let me go. I won’t come back
for you. I swear.” It was one hell of a big lie, but I had to
    He flashed me a sad smile. “I can smell the
lie. Hell, I can feel it since I’ve had your blood. Sit tight. I’ll
be right back.”
    As soon as he left the room I started
pulling on the handcuffs. With my increased witch strength I could
probably break them, or the thin, wooden post in the headboard. The
only problem was that the sound would go off like a gunshot and
bring the vampires running.
    Not what I wanted because I was pretty sure
when I stood up I’d have a giant, blinding headache and sore
muscles. Not to mention the hole in my leg. I craned my neck to try
and get a look at it, but since it was on the back of my thigh, it
was nearly impossible. There was a bandage wrapped around my leg
that would cover it anyway.
    I was in my tank top, underwear, and nothing
else. None of my clothes were in sight. It seemed that even if I
managed to get out of here without alerting the vampires, I’d
certainly make an interesting spectacle for the neighbors.
    I heard raised voices from somewhere nearby.
I stilled and listened as hard as I could.
    “We need to kill her. Alaric, go back in
there and drain the bitch dry.”
    Casey’s voice interrupted him. “Jairdan, no.
That’s my big sister you’re talking about. She practically raised
    “I love you, sister-in-law of mine, but she
would kill us all if she got the chance. Including you.”
    “No. You’re wrong. She was hesitating. If
I’d had a moment longer to talk to her, she probably would have
left. Alaric, back me up.”
    There was a long pause. “I can’t, Casey. She
loved you, but now she thinks you’re a monster. I think she would
have done it. She might have never been emotionally stable
afterward, but she would have done it because she thinks she’s
morally obligated to.”
    “Misha, please, talk to them.” I could hear
the tears in Casey’s voice and it hurt my heart.
    “Casey, sweetheart—”
    “No. Don’t ‘sweetheart’ me. And if you try
to hug me again I’ll kick you. This is my sister you’re all talking
about murdering. Alaric, surely you get family loyalty, if no one
else does.”
    There was a sigh. “I guess we don’t have to
kill her. We could turn her. We’ll hurt Casey if we kill her.”
    Someone growled loudly and glass shattered.
“I don’t like that idea. She’ll have too much power.”
    “Besides, she wouldn’t want that,” Casey
    “Well shit, Casey! What do

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