A Few Good Men

Read A Few Good Men for Free Online

Book: Read A Few Good Men for Free Online
Authors: Cat Johnson
Tags: FIC02091990
give an eligible gay man to you. I’ll keep him for myself and ask if he has a straight friend.”
    Hmm. There was an idea. Tag-team double dating. Interesting concept. That might actually work. Maureen’s eyes opened wide as the idea began to take shape.
    “Okay, it’s a deal.”
    Frowning, Peter asked, “What’s a deal, exactly? What did I just get myself into?”
    “Your idea. It’s perfect. Double dates only. You and me and two guys, one for each of us, each of the appropriate persuasion. One gay, one straight.”
    Peter’s eyes opened wide in surprise. “That was my idea?”
    Maureen nodded.
    Peter looked pleased. “Hmm. It is a pretty good one actually. Okay. I’ll take credit for it and I’ll do it. Where do you suggest I go to get the guys?”
    That was a problem she had hoped Peter had the answer to. “Um, gay bars I guess?”
    He cocked his head to one side as if considering that. “We can find a few there maybe, but those dating waters are a bit murky, believe me. What about dating websites?”
    She tilted her own head and considered. “Nah, those waters are possibly murkier. What about museums?”
    “Good. I like my men with a bit of culture. The gym?” Peter volleyed back.
    She smiled. “Definitely. I like my men with a bit of muscle. Um, anybody at work?”
    “I’ll ask around my office and see. You too.”
    Maureen pictured having to ask Tiffany, the best connection to the local dating pool, and dreaded it. Desperate times demanded desperate measures. Time to swim with the sharks. “All right, I’ll ask. What about rules?”
    “What about rules?” Peter frowned and looked confused. “We have rules?”
    “I mean, do we separate if one of us gets lucky? Or do we stick it out to the end of the night and any sex has to be on future alone dates?”
    “Hmm. Good point. I don’t want to leave you alone in the hands of a possible molester.”
    Her heart melted. Sometimes Peter had his moments. “Aww. How sweet. See, a straight guy wouldn’t think of that.”
    Peter chuckled. “Probably not, but I bet your military men would.”
    She sighed. Feeling suddenly deflated again, she slumped in her wooden chair. “I bet you’re right.”
    His hand covered hers. “Oh cheer up. I have it. How about this for a solution? I have the spare bedroom at my place. On nights we have dates, you sleep over. If one of us wants to carry the date a step farther, shall we say, the other one will be there to act as a buffer if it becomes necessary.”
    Or to call the police. She squashed that unpleasant thought. God willing, it would never come to that, and hopefully they would be mostly dating men recommended by people they knew, even if it was by Tiffany.
    The sleepovers had another upside too. “We can bitch about the bad dates the next morning over coffee and bagels.” She was getting excited about this idea a bit more now that it involved a sleepover and bitch session, not to mention Peter’s always excellent coffee.
    “Or we could review the good dates over my eggs benedict, but yes, we can, Ms. Pessimist.”
    Hmm. Even better. Peter loved to cook. She’d get a gourmet breakfast and a bitch partner. This was sounding better every minute. Adult sleepovers, the platonic kind, were highly underrated.
    “And can we drink mimosas?” she asked hopefully.
    He laughed. “You know I never pass up champagne, and after your dating track record we may need the alcohol.”
    Maureen would have protested except it was true.
    “So when do we start?” he asked.
    “How soon can you find us men?”
    “Is that a challenge I hear? Don’t you worry, Miss Doubtful. I’ll get the balls rolling, no pun intended.”
    She shot him a doubt-filled look.
    “Well, maybe intended a little bit. Anyway, I’m not going to do all the work, so let’s make this a little more interesting. I’ll get us the first set of men, however long it takes me, but you have to find us the next two in the same amount of time or less.”

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