A Few Good Men

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Book: Read A Few Good Men for Free Online
Authors: Cat Johnson
Tags: FIC02091990
really appreciate this.” Maureen glanced down again at the page now clutched in her hand and realized she had a lot of work ahead of her if she was going to start calling all these guys after work today.
    “Anything for you, Maureen. Or should I say Summer .” Tiffany smirked.
    Uh oh . “Why are you suddenly calling me Summer?”
    She smiled. “Because I went to your soldier website, the one where your ID is Summer. I now have not one but two single, hot, young, muscle-bound military guys just for me.”
    Maureen nearly choked. Tiffany had actually gone and gotten them without her help. “But I haven’t given you the information yet.”
    “I did it all on my own,” she announced proudly. “Remember last November when you were collecting Christmas cards and letters for the troops?”
    She remembered. She also remembered that Tiffany hadn’t given her even one.
    “Well, back then you hung a flyer in the break room. So I went and looked and guess what?”
    Maureen cringed, knowing the answer already. “What?”
    “It was still up there buried under a few other things. There were two websites listed so I checked them both out and I joined one.”
    “And? Which one did you find these guys on?” Maureen already knew the answer to that too.
    “Well, one of those sites required paperwork and a waiting period before you could email any of the guys so I went to the other one. I got to see pictures of the men and read their posts. That way I could tell by what they wrote if they were married or not. So I found a bunch I liked and emailed them.”
    At least Tiffany hadn’t picked married guys to flirt with. That was something. But if Maureen knew Tiffany at all, she hadn’t just looked at their pictures, but had also sent them a picture of herself. Probably the one of her in the bikini. The one she kept as the screensaver on her own computer. Vain much?
    “Two wrote back right away. One is in the Army and the other one is in the Marines. And FYI, Marines don’t like it if you call them soldiers. Apparently there’s a difference. Who knew?” She shrugged. “I mean it’s very misleading. All those support sites have soldier in the name like they’re all called that. They should be more clear.”
    Maureen nodded. “You probably shouldn’t call anyone in the Navy or the Air Force a soldier either.”
    Tiffany raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow. On second thought, it was probably a perfectly waxed eyebrow, knowing how often she left work early to get a bikini wax.
    “Good to know. Thanks.” Maureen stifled a big sigh as her coworker continued. “So anyway, you were totally right. They are really friendly and so sweet. One already told me he wants to meet me when he comes home. I told him about Fleet Week here in the city, and he was all into coming and getting together.”
    Of course he was. Because everything always worked out for Tiffany. That was just the way the universe aligned.
    Maureen suddenly noticed Tiffany had stopped talking and was looking at her expectantly. She jumped to fill the silence. “Wow. That’s really great.”
    Her sentence was interrupted by a chime from Tiffany’s computer announcing a new email.
    “Ooo. That’s him. It’s like nighttime already over there where he is, and he likes to say good night to me before he goes to bed.”
    Of course he did. Besides Peter, Maureen hadn’t had any man want to regularly say good night to her in probably years.
    Maureen wandered back to her own workstation so Tiffany could have some privacy to say goodnight to either her soldier or Marine, she didn’t know which. Feeling rather bitchy, Maureen allowed herself to think that Tiffany probably didn’t know which was which herself.
    She sat at her desk and placed the list of potential dates in her purse to call later from home. What had seemed so exciting moments before looked far less so when she realized firstly that she would be choosing from a pile of Tiffany’s dating rejects and, more

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