9-11: descent into tyranny : the New World Order's dark plans to turn Earth into a prison planet
may have been captured by downtown surveillance cameras through the eyes of the witnesses. You are looking at a computer recreation of the final movements of the Ryder truck according to the people who crossed its path at 5th and Harvey moments before the explosion. Tonight at 10:00 the witnesses will detail their memories of how they believe the suspects carried out the crime and made their getaway. All these accounts share a common and unsettling similarity. The witnesses say they saw several accomplices, including the infamous John Doe Number 2. ATF officials tell us the elusive John Doe is still part of this case, but will not comment any further. However, they did tell us there is a lot about this case we don’t know yet—information you can’t find in the indictment against Timothy McVeigh, Terry Nichols, and Michael Fortier.”

    CAPTION: Newsmax, May 7, 2002: “ Anti-terror Prober: OKC Bombing Suspect Worked at 9-11 Airport”

    Another report on KFOR said this:

    Kelly Ogle:
    “It was just hours after the bombing when the
    NewsChannel first told you about the possibility that
    surveillance cameras may have captured the
    explosion—and the killers—on tape. Our sources and
    sources for the LA Times describe what is actually on those tapes. The information shows some huge
    surprises. The biggest: that it may have been John Doe

    Number 2, not Timothy McVeigh, who detonated the
    bomb. Brad Edwards has the latest in this exclusive
    NewsChannel report.
    Brad Edwards: “Our new information comes directly from a source that has seen parts of those surveillance tapes. It also comes
    from reports now in the Los Angeles Times. But perhaps the biggest surprise is contained in the NewsChannel’s
    own information. Timothy McVeigh was not the last
    person to leave the Ryder truck. In fact, another person
    sat inside the cab of the truck after McVeigh got out.
    We believe that man is John Doe Number 2, a man
    who, for all we know, is still on the loose, leaving open
    a vital question: Was it John Doe Number 2 who
    actually set off the bomb, not Timothy McVeigh as
    we’ve all been led to believe? NewsChannel 4 has for
    weeks been demanding copies of the surveillance tapes
    from the FBI. The federal government so far is
    dragging its feet, but many people in the investigation
    have seen the tapes, and now so has a source willing to
    describe to the NewsChannel what the tapes show. The
    LA Times report shows there was a surveillance camera near the corner of 5th and Harvey, and another near the
    corner of 5th and Robinson. Federal investigators
    recreated the time sequence leading up to the bombing
    by matching the video and still photos from the
    surveillance cameras. Since we can’t show you the
    tapes ourselves, we’re reenacting what our source says
    he saw on those tapes. As witnesses told the
    NewsChannel before, the tapes show the Ryder truck
    parked in front of the Murrah Building where we now
    know the blast went off. As witnesses also told us, the

    tapes showed two men sitting inside the Ryder truck. A
    man strongly resembling Timothy McVeigh gets out of
    the driver’s side, steps down. He then appears to have
    dropped something on the step up into the truck. He
    bends down and appears to pick something up off the
    step. Then, he turns and walks directly across 5th Street
    through the Journal Record building. All this time, John
    Doe Number 2 is still inside the Ryder truck sitting on
    the passenger side. Time passes. The surveillance tape
    is time-lapsed photography. Without knowing exactly
    the time interval between shots our source can’t be sure
    how long John Doe Number 2 sat in that cab. What was
    he doing all of that time? Then the tape shows John
    Doe Number 2 getting out of the passenger side of the
    Ryder truck. Again, the tape shows that a bombing
    witness accurately described what happened next to
    NewsChannel 4: ‘I was standing in

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