9-11: descent into tyranny : the New World Order's dark plans to turn Earth into a prison planet
lied to the America. He told a Time magazine reporter in 1999 the harrowing tale of how he sped at over a hundred miles an hour from his home in Dallas to get there after the bombing to save people and conduct an investigation. Coincidentally, the FBI won’t release any of the credit card statements and records for any of their agents. What are they trying to hide?

    “The system wasn’t working. Going through the system didn’t work. I did everything they advised me to do. It didn’t do any good.”
    —Hoppy Heidelberg, dismissed grand juror

    Hoppy Heidelberg was an upstanding member of the community with no criminal record. He had been a grand juror for years, but when he started asking questions about the

    Middle Eastern connection, FBI prior knowledge, and BATF involvement, the FBI had the bravado to come to his house brandishing firearms and to tell him to shut his mouth if he knew what was good for him. When he refused to be part of the cover-up and demanded that he be able to call witnesses as was his right as a grand juror, the judge kicked him off the case.

    In another bizarre twist, Martin Keating, Governor Frank Keating’s brother, wrote a novel entitled The Final Jihad. In the book, a Tom McVeigh masterminds the bombing of an Oklahoma City Federal building. Keating’s brother dedicated the book to the Knights of the Secret Circle, a term used by members of the Illuminati when they talk about their organization. Martin Keating wrote the book two years before the bombing.

    KFOR’s Linda Cavanaugh made this report, which pertains to this novel:

    “The NewsChannel has learned of another strange development. Apparently, before the bombing, Governor Frank Keating’s brother, Martin, had been working on a novel about terrorist bombing in Oklahoma City. Stranger still, one of the characters in the novel was named Thomas McVeigh.

    The tragic events of Oklahoma City, if the truth were made known to the public, would seem even more horrible and tragic. The federally-manufactured bombing is now a monument to the police state, a monument to the sacrifice the government made of American lives, American blood and American tears. It gave the Feds an excuse to circle the wagons against the American people, to have a pretext to expand their police state. They covered the whole operation up. It is clear that they had prior knowledge; that multiple bombs were detonated on the inside of the building; that the Feds have grabbed the twelve surveillance camera tapes and are refusing to release them, even in 2002; that the FBI threatened grand jurors; and that they destroyed the crime scene by demolishing the building and burying it under guard. The federal government blamed this tragic event on Christians, conservatives, and gun owners, but if you look at the evidence, it is clear

    that they are behind it. They used this, just like Hitler used the Reichstag, to get martial law cranking in America.

    It seems that crime certainly does pay—especially when it’s government-sponsored terrorism against its own institutions. KFOR had this to report following the Oklahoma City bombing: “$62 million is coming to Oklahoma soon to help anti-terrorism and disaster relief efforts.” That’s right, the BATF locally got tens of millions of dollars in extra funding. So did every other controlling federal agency.

    Increases in Federal funding to the State of Oklahoma in 1996:

    • $23.52 million—General Services Administration, Counter-terrorism Fund salaries and expenses
    • $27.94 million—FBI salaries and expenses
    • $3.27 million—FEMA’s Disaster Relief Emergency Contingency Fund.

    There was a $24 billion increase in anti-terrorism funds, which was tripled after September 11. Of course, the BATF ensured that the Murrah building was completely demolished so there couldn’t be any evidence of their heinous acts. And—that’s right—
    they actually buried the building under guard at a private landfill

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