All Wounds

Read All Wounds for Free Online

Book: Read All Wounds for Free Online
Authors: Dina James
‘us’,” Rebecca said. “Are there more of ‘us’, then?”
    “There are a few, in various parts of the world, or the ‘mortal realm’ as the Ethereals call it,” Nana replied. “A great number were killed in the last war by the very beings we try to heal. As far as I know, less than a hundred of us remain. Here, in a place of healing, the ground is neutral—wars and battles stop here. Had the hellhound who bit Ryan tonight been in need himself, we would not have denied him assistance. He would have been treated and sheltered just the same, right at the side of the one he harmed, with no further hostility between them. Once they leave here, however...that’s another matter. You are safe here as well, and your Healer’s mark grants you certain clemencies both inside and outside the boundary, but you, like the Immortals, are not invulnerable.”
    “So. .now what?” Rebecca shrugged. “You’re not better, and you’re not going to get better. The only reason you’re okay right now is because that...
    vampire boy is here, right? And there’s someone from my school upstairs who’s turning into a vampire himself. Are more... people like them going to show up? What did Syd mean when he said the ‘entry was closed’?”
    “The mirror up there serves... served an entryway,” Nana said. “It was sealed after your mo—after the last truce was declared. To put it in terms you can understand, I went out of business, so to speak. It seems now, however, I need to reopen. But I’m too old. Not only do I no longer have any power of my own to share, I’m too slow. I can’t remember much.
    Sydney is a powerful Master vampire, the leader of a vampire clan, and he’s the only reason I’m able to manage at the moment. When he’ll be...burdened with me again. An old woman who has lost her mind. I’m so sorry, Rebecca. You shouldn’t be wasting your youth like this. Maybe you should look into a home for me.”
    “This is your home!” Rebecca protested, leaping up from her chair. She went around the table to hug her nana tight. “You’re not going anywhere.
    You’re not a burden.” She hated herself for crying but forced the words out from her tight throat, not caring that her voice was thick with tears. “You wouldn’t let them put me into a foster home when mom died, did you? I’m not going to let anyone do that to you either! If anything, I’ll...I’ll chain Syd to the wall so he can never leave! You’ll be okay again. I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise.”
    Nana gave Rebecca a squeeze. “You know that can’t happen. Syd has responsibilities just like we do, and if you really want to look after me, Rebecca...”
    Rebecca pulled away a little to look at her nana. “Yes? What?” she prompted when Nana didn’t continue.
    “I never wanted you to know,” Nana said again. “But I wouldn’t let them take you away, so I guess that means you’re going to be involved whether I want it or not. If you really want to look after me, Rebecca, you’re going to have to look after those I once did. If war has once again come to the Ethereal planes, and it looks like it has, then Sydney and Ryan are just the first of those who will need our... your help.” Rebecca’s eyes widened. “ My help?” she squeaked. “Why my help?
    What good would I be? I’m not trained! You said! And you said you can’t help anymore...and once Syd leaves you won’t even...”
    “We’ll ask him to start your apprenticeship early,” Nana said. “Once a Healer comes of age—at seventeen—they train for a year with a repre-sentative of one of the great Ethereal clans, and then a different clan each year until the age of twenty-two. It’s usually begun with vampires because they’re the closest to mortals, and it eases a Healer into her training if she has something more like herself to accustom herself to. Now, you’re not going to have the luxury of accustoming yourself to your training.

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