Zombie World

Read Zombie World for Free Online Page B

Book: Read Zombie World for Free Online
Authors: Ronald DuBois
Tags: Zombies

planning on doing that to all the stores in the area and do the same. I am going to sit
down with John and we are going to make a plan to clear out the city as well. We are
going to need as any people as we can get to join us. We are going to rebuild starting
with one city at a time. I know that there has to be a lot more people out there that we
can help and bring them back to help us with making a new world, but I know it’s
going to take time.
Paul stepped back, and asked me if I had anything to add.
I stepped forward and said yes I do. I am glad you found us, and happy that you are
going to help make this place we call home a safe place to live. I told everyone that
what we are going to be doing is not going to be easy and I know we are going to lose
people to what’s out there but I know we can get over whatever happens. It going to be
a long and rough ride that we are going on, but I have faith in everyone here. We need
to do this if any one going to survive it’s going to be this group right here. Paul gets
down off the table and Mia gets on. I step back and I let her speak.
Mia begins talking about how she sees everything coming together. We have a lot of
strong people here and like my husband said we are going to lose people, but no
matter what happens we need to stick together and help one another through it. We
have to make this world a safe place, so the people that want to have kids and the ones
that already have kids have a safe place to live.
    Paul and I walked into the old office the school had we turned it into are planning
I told Paul that we have a lot to talk about.
Yes, we do Paul replied, we got a lot to do here before we can leave here and start
clearing the city’s. he said that he hopes that everyone here knows how much work
that they are going to be doing.
I told him that everyone has worked hard and you see what they have done so far.
Paul said you all have done a lot but there is a lot more to do and that means that we
are going to have to get the people here to understand that we are going to have to
work night and day.
I told him that if we make a plan the people here will do whatever we need them to do.
They need to do this I think it helps them from going nuts.
Paul said that he has no doubt that the people here will bust their ass to make this
place a good place.
    We sat down at the desk he sat on one side and I sat on the other side. I pulled out a
map that I have been working on of the home base, I had another one of the city of
Corning. I was showing him some of the building that I think we need to clear first.
I told him that the first building on have on the map marked, if we can clear the
building and make it to the roof we would have access to a few more that we could
work are way down inside to clear them.
Paul said that I have good instinct on how to do things and that he was glad that he
found us. He also said that he agrees with everyone that I am leader and that they
would follow me anywhere.
I told him that I am not trying to be in charge.
Paul said that people just me and I am in charge everyone said that they’re going to
make you the man in charge.
I asked him and what if I don’t want to be in charge?
He looked at me and in this stern voice and said suck it up butter cup you’re their
I smiled and said ok since you put it that way.
    We worked through most of the night making plans. Mia worked on a singe up
sheet, for people to singe up to learn how to use a weapon and how to kill zombies
even thou most everyone already knows how. She also worked on a singe up sheet to
find out what jobs people wanted to do. She had on that list from cooking to burning
the dead zombies. We were going to let people know what was going on and where
they could singe up for what they wanted to do. We all headed off to get some sleep
before the sun came up.
    I as waken by the sounds of gun fire coming from the front gate. I jump out bed and
went to the find out

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