Zombie World

Read Zombie World for Free Online

Book: Read Zombie World for Free Online
Authors: Ronald DuBois
Tags: Zombies
of places to put people. We decided to go to campers park them on
the tennis court and the baseball field so that we could have more places for people to
stay. All of people that we are bringing in, or big help. The people we were bringing in
were contractors, nurses, doctors, we even turn half of the gym into a little medical
center or people that were hurt or sick. Everyone seem to be getting along and helping
one another. A few of the contractors said that we should push the fences out further
to build more buildings and start making this place a larger community. I asked him if
they thought that maybe we could maybe block off the roads leading in here and start
using the houses on this road to start putting people and their families into them. They
said that it is doable, but we are going to need more building material and fencing to
make it possible.
    We have been sending groups of people out to find more survivor, and to bring them
back here. Everyone that has been coming has been helping build. It has been four
months’ sense the dead came back. Life has been hard, but with everyone doing their
part has made our lives better. The groups that we have sent out, they watch the people
they find to make sure that their good people and not people that wants to kill and take
from us. We know that there are going to be groups out there that are going to come
and try to take over our safe haven. We have a plan to keep people like that away but if
they do come we will be ready for them. We have been killing a lot of zombies here. We
think that they are coming from the city of Corning, the city is just on the other side of
the river just behind the school. We know that they have not been coming across the
river it is too high and moving too fast. Zombies are not to strong the river would
carry them away. I only place that we can think of that the zombie are coming across
the bridge. We have a plan to block off the bridge but we have to finish building the
watch out towers. Then we will head to the bridge and get that blocked off. Once we
have a lot of people we have a plan to go into the city and clear out all of the living
dead. We have plans on taking one city at a time. Once we get the city of Corning
cleared we plan on putting up a wall to live there, but as we get more and more people
we will have to start on clearing out more places so all the people we have a place to
live and to grow. We know that it going to take years and a lot of people to do this. We
are going to stay here until the time come to execute that plan to expand.
    We have a bunch of military people out here by the front gate, and they want in. The
people I have at the front gate. They radioed John and Willie to come. John and Willie
radioed back and told them that they are on their way.
When I got to the gate I could not believe what I was seeing there had to be at least
fifty people out there not all were military. A soldier came up to the fence and said we
have people out here that need help and food.
I told Willie to open the gate to let them in, I told the others I need one to radio the
doc's and the rest of to help with the one that need help to get them in here.
The soldier walked up to me and thanked me. He said that I am captain Johnson I ran
into one of your groups out there and they sent us to you and said that you would help
us. We are out of food and my medic was killed a week ago.
I told him that they are welcome here and that we would help them. I asked him how
long have you been out there like this.
He told me that they were out there for long time are base was over run just a few
weeks after the dead started to take over. We could not stop them, I had to lock up a lot
of my men in their barracks. They were all bitten and we could not take the chance
that they would get out and bit the rest of my men.
I asked him, did you come from Georgia, we were there and stopped at a base and we
found dead soldier in the mess hall and

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