Yield the Night

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Book: Read Yield the Night for Free Online
Authors: Annette Marie
came to get drinks, talking excitedly about their progress.
    “Hey look,” Kylee said suddenly, her eyes lighting up. “The scouts are back.”
    Piper looked over at the entrance to the communal area. Four guys in black were striding across the room toward the kitchen.
    “Yeah! Usually they’re just looking for runaways and stuff, but they’ve been working on a big project lately. I hope I’m good enough with magic to become a scout. I’d love to help rescue other haemons.”
    Big project, huh? Were any of the regular members aware of the Consulate attacks? These scouting guys had probably been out choosing Consulates for their demolition schedule. Piper almost returned to her plate for her last bite when one of the men caught her eye. Fury flooded through her, burning in her veins. Travis.
    “Piper.” He stopped beside her, sandy hair flattened from the ski mask he’d been wearing the night before while destroying her home, murdering her friend, and abducting her. The other three stopped behind him. “How do you like your new home?”
    Kylee shrank away from the cold hostility in his voice. Piper turned halfway toward him, propping one elbow casually on the table as she fought back her swirling anger. The spray of blood as Kindra fell kept replaying in her head.
    “Hey there, Travis. Finished with all the murder and mayhem for the day?”
    Kylee’s eyes went wide.
    Travis smirked. “It’s not murder when it’s daemons, Piper. I told you that last time.”
    “Yeah, I remember, along with how quick you were to pull the trigger on your own comrade. Was that not murder either?”
    He paled slightly but managed a cold snort in reply. The friendly chatterer from three months ago was long gone. Was she responsible for the change in him? She had a hard time believing her attack could have caused such a drastic transformation in him, from a naive and trusting young man to a callous killer.
    “I brought something for you,” he said, pulling a folded newspaper from under his arm. “Picked it up this morning and figured you’d enjoy it.”
    He shook it out and read loudly from the front page. “Griffiths Consulate Destroyed, Head Consul’s Daughter Presumed Dead.”
    Her mouth fell open. She snatched it from his unresisting hands and flipped it around. The headline blared from across the top. She skimmed the first few paragraphs. There was almost no info, just a reiteration of the previous attacks and the ongoing search for bodies. Westwood Academy had confirmed dropping her off last night and all evidence suggested she’d been inside when the explosions had gone off. There was no mention of Kindra’s body; the Gaians must have dumped it somewhere.
    The rest of the article was speculation about what the Consul Board of Directors would do next. The Head Consul hadn’t been available for comment. Piper dropped the paper on the table.
    Travis leaned down. “I thought you’d like to know that the whole world thinks you’re dead, which includes anyone you were hoping would come to your rescue.”
    She fought to keep her reaction off her face. Oh shit. Double shit. She hadn’t thought of that. How would her father and uncle know she was missing if they thought she was dead and buried under the Consulate’s rubble? Would Lyre think she was dead too? Who would look for her?
    “Piper,” Kylee whispered, “what does he mean by ‘rescue’? Don’t you want to be here?”
    “Piper needs some reeducation,” Travis said, his glare locked on Piper’s. “She’s a glam-girl and doesn’t have a clue what daemons are really like.”
    Piper’s hands clenched at the insult, a derogatory term for women with daemon fetishes. “ You don’t have a clue. You’re just a little boy so terrified of monsters you shot your own friend to keep the scary daemon away from you.”
    He smirked and leaned in, getting right in her face. “And I’d do it again,” he hissed. “That murderous bitch got what she

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