to accept."
Accept. He had to accept it, because she seemed to. Tomorrow night they were going their separate ways. Maybe they'd see each other once in a while, but their schedules were damn near opposite.
But he hated to let her leave, didn't want to let this go. He shook his head and tugged her against him. He had so much to say.
A doctor walked by, stopped and looked in the window then shuffled away.
She stepped back. “We should go."
"All right."
They left the hospital, making small talk as he drove to their hotel. They were both quiet through the lobby and up the elevator. At her door, he asked, “You wanna talk now?"
She nodded, and heaved a sigh. “Yes."
Reno handed Chase her key card, and he opened the door, pushing it wide for her to go in ahead of him.
She stepped inside, flipped on a light, and heard the door close behind them. Shrugging out of her coat, she set it and her purse on the table and turned to face him. She should be the one to start this conversation, to apologize and assure him she wasn't really the insane woman she'd appeared to be in his trailer yesterday. But no opening line popped into her head.
He stayed back in the shadows, staring at her. “You look great tonight."
"Thanks.” Reno licked her lips and tasted the red, smudge-proof lipstick. She smoothed her hands over her hips, the red satin dress was a little wrinkled, but she felt sexy in it, perched on three-inch black pumps.
He didn't move.
She gestured toward the living room. “Beer?"
He shook his head. “I'm not comin’ any closer until I know where I stand."
After all their long talks, she knew she was dealing with a man who viewed life as black and white. And this was definitely gray. “It's not that simple, Chase. I—"
"Just yes or no, Reno. Will you give me another chance?” His voice softened, and his lips pressed tightly together.
She appreciated that he didn't just seduce his way into her bedroom. He'd taken the time to bring her to the hospital with him, and he let her steer this conversation. “On one condition."
"What's that?"
"That we sit and talk about what happened."
Using an index finger, he pushed his hat back on his head. The light hit his face, and illuminated his grin. “Whatever you want, Reno."
God, she loved it when he said her name, deep and slow. She held out her hand. “C'mon in and set a spell.” She mimicked his accent.
He took her hand and she led him to the living room.
"I could use that beer now, if you're still offering."
She opened the mini-fridge. “Any of these look good?"
He reached in for a long-neck bottle. “Thanks. You want one?"
She shook her head then walked across the room to the couch. “I had wine at the cocktail party this afternoon, and it just about put me out cold.” She sat and crossed her legs.
He was frozen, the beer cap in his hand, his eyes intense.
She bit her cheek to keep from smiling. Evidently, he liked what he saw: the high heels, short skirt, and what Tracy called her “really fine, ass-hugging dress."
He blinked a couple times, took a long pull on his beer, then strode over to sit beside her.
She rounded up her courage and prattled out the apology she'd rehearsed all afternoon. “Chase, I'm sorry I freaked out last night. I drank a little too much beer, and then the tequila, then seeing that drawer full of condoms—"
"Let me explain—"
"Now, wait. I'm not asking for explanations. Just hear me out, okay?"
He nodded, but looked like it took a lot of self-control for him to keep his mouth closed.
"I'm sure you...” she shrugged her eyebrows, “...see a lot of action, with all the buckle bunnies."
He furrowed his brows. “Buckle bunnies? Those are women who chase after rodeo cowboys.” He grabbed his belt, showing her an average-size brass buckle. “I don't wear a big buckle."
He sounded so sincere she had to smile. “Okay, groupies, then. But let me finish."
Exhaling loudly, he leaned back and put an arm across the top