X Marks the Scot

Read X Marks the Scot for Free Online

Book: Read X Marks the Scot for Free Online
Authors: Victoria Roberts
Cranborne, he quickly added, “For anything.”
    The healer adjusted her smile. “I know where to find ye.”
    Liadain forced herself to settle down. What could Robert possibly say to her that would obliterate three years of heartache? Three years of wondering what could have been?
    “I knew that was you in the garden. I would recognize you anywhere.” Robert reached out to touch her and then pulled his hand back almost as a second thought. “You look well, Liadain.”
    “Viscount Cranborne,” she said, trying to keep the censure out of her tone. She folded her arms in front of her in a protective gesture. She was irked by Robert’s cool manner. If he asked her about the weather, she might have to throttle him.
    “I owe you an explanation,” he said softly.
    She chuckled. “An explanation? After three years? I think ye are long past due, Viscount Cranborne.”
    Recovering, Robert spoke lightly, “You have every reason to be cross with me.”
    “Cross with ye? Mayhap after the first year that I received nay word from ye. Mayhap even after the second, but definitely nae after the third,” said Liadain, her voice raising an octave. Where the hell had he been? What of the promises of their life together? She only knew one thing for certain.
    Robert was a liar.
    The man had the nerve to cast a worried look at MacGregor. “Please lower your voice.”
    Her jaw dropped. “Why? Ye didnae even care enough about me to say fare-thee-well. That would have been more bearable than nae leaving a single word. A single word, viscount.”
    Robert had pledged his loyalty to her. And then he had vanished like a thief in the night with no regard for her or her welfare. The man was clearly nothing more than an English cur who’d never given a damn about her. How could she have been so foolish? She continued to glare at him with burning, reproachful eyes.
    “I have no excuse for my behavior. I had every intention to return for you and then I departed for Spain. It changed me.” His voice was resigned.
    Liadain reached out and squeezed his arm. Her voice was inflamed and belligerent. “I see your arm isnae broken. Ye verra well could have written.”
    Sheepishly, Robert glanced away from her. “I didn’t know what to say. I figured after that long…you would have wed and moved on with your life.”
    She gave him a hostile glare. “I wasnae pining after ye, Robert. I didnae wed because I am a healer. I care for others and donna have time for the likes of a man. Nae to mention the wee detail that ye completely ruined me, but mayhap ye have forgotten that fact.” She was so furious she could hardly speak.
    The beastly man actually had the nerve to look offended. “Liadain, I did not mean to imply…What are you doing here at court? Where is Archie?” He had such a look of concern upon his face that she almost felt sorry for him. Almost.
    She briefly closed her eyes when she realized Robert did not know. She needed more time to erase the pain. It was too fresh. Her misery was so acute that it was a physical pain. “Archie is dead,” she replied in a low, tormented voice.
    He had a genuine expression of shock upon his face. “What? When? How ?”
    Liadain glanced over at MacGregor. At least the rogue pretended to look occupied. Hesitating, she tried to prepare the words in her mind before they left her lips. “There is nay easy way…I will just speak the truth.”
    There was a heavy silence.
    When she tried to speak, her voice wavered. Clearing her throat, she attempted once more. “Archie was determined to seize the lands of Ciaran MacGregor of Glenorchy. When my brother realized it was futile, he set fire to the stable in the village and killed a MacGregor man. Archie plotted to have Laird MacGregor declare war on the Campbells in retaliation and therefore break His Majesty’s orders for peace in the Highlands. MacGregor would have hanged as a traitor.”
    She shifted from foot to foot. “But instead of storming

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