wrath of the Sea Queen

Read wrath of the Sea Queen for Free Online

Book: Read wrath of the Sea Queen for Free Online
Authors: Cynthia Woods
    Last night, Vin had taken her out to dinner so that she would not have to cook the night before her trip .  They went to a steakhouse in town they ha d eaten at a few times before.  She debated between the Saturday night fresh catch and a baked chicken fettuccini , one of her favorites .  Normally, C a eli would have chosen the pasta without hesitation .  However, s he was feeling adventurous and chose the fish instead .  Vin warn ed her that it was probably not a good idea .  S he thought, how bad can it be?  C a eli was now regretting that decision.  After several unpleasant waves of nausea, she finally began to feel better.  Soon, her stomach calmed and the queasiness settled .  C a eli brushed her teeth and, as quietly as possible , fumbled in a bag that she pulled out of a cabinet .  She retrieved a box purchased at the drugstore, followed the instructions, and then returned to bed ten minutes later . 
    C a eli sighed happily as she worked her way back into Vin's warm embrace.  There w as still fifteen minutes before either of them was required to get up ; even still, they would be up well before the sun this Sunday morning .  Yet, h er excitement about the upcoming trip made it difficult for C a eli to l ie still .  She adjusted her head, tossing her long, chestnut hair out of her eyes to look up at Vin's face.  His arm around her shoulders instinctively pull ed her inward , drawing her closer as he continued to sleep.  She ran her fingers along the strong line of his jaw as the dim blue glow from his alarm clock played against his handsome face.
    C a eli smiled as Vin's chest beg a n to shake lightly and she noticed that he was now looking do wn at her and laughing softly.
    " What's so funny? "   She asked as Vin bent down to kiss her.
    " You are.  You cannot l ie there without waking me, can you?  What's a guy got to do to get a few extra minutes of sleep around you? "   Vin teased. 
    " I'm sorry.  It m ust be your irresistible charm, " she said flirtatiously.
    " Or, perhaps, you simply can't stand to let me sleep at least until the sun comes up.  Just because you're a morning person doesn't mean I should be, " Vin continued to joke with her as he extracted himself and sat up, tossing his feet off the edge of the bed and flipping on a light switch on the wall .  He reached over to his nightstand and turn ed off the alarm before it sounded .   Vin picked up the water glass from his nightstand and gulped down a few swallows to clear the dryness from this throat.  Looking over his shoulder at C a eli, he asked about her earlier trip to the bathroom .
    " Are you ok?  I was about to come check on you when you came sneaking back into bed.   I was hoping it meant you were going to sleep in another half an hour. "
    " Oh, so you weren't really asleep then?  I should ha ve known .  Y ou a re just trying to make me feel guilty for waking you so that I might be inclined to fix you breakfast. "
    " Well, you can't blame a guy for trying ; and, if you must, then b lame it on my addiction to your pancakes, " Vin hinted, still hoping she might be enticed to cook.  However, he also reminded her that she still hadn't answered his original question.
    " Yes, I'm fine now.  Turns out you were right about dinner last night .  Remind me never to risk a good meal on a fish special ever again.  I think it was still trying to swim away, " she answered with a smile.  Before he could reply, C a eli reached up and pulled Vin back onto the bed facing the opposite direction. 
    " Wait right here.  I have a surprise for you. "
    C a eli hopped up , hurried into the bathroom , and closed the door with a girlish giggle .  Vin could hear her rushing around inside .  He smiled to himself at her excitement.  He loved how she took such pleasure in the simplest things.  Vin loved to see C a eli so happy.  She was almost glowing this morning, except for the slight tint of green and the tiniest remainder

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