Worth the Wait

Read Worth the Wait for Free Online

Book: Read Worth the Wait for Free Online
Authors: Rhonda Laurel
Tags: interracial romance
princess as a term of endearment.”
    “Oh yeah? What do you call me?” She went over and put her arms around his neck.
    * * *
    Averywaved good-bye to Morgan and Teri-Lyn as she pulled off. When Teri-Lyn had asked Avery to drop off the monogram cufflinks that Wyatt had left in Bo’s guesthouse, she’d fumbled for excuse not to do it, but nothing plausible reached her lips. How could say no to Teri-Lyn? She couldn’t. So she took the box and promised to deliver them. She was just grateful the family hadn’t asked any probing questionsabout her disappearance at the wedding that night.
    Despite getting hooked into making what would be an awkward delivery, a visit to the ranch had been just what she’d needed to recharge her batteries. She’d taken Comet for a ride and spent time with Morgan, something she’d been doing a lot of lately. She knew her aunt was doing a great job of managing her health since being diagnosed withlupus, but that didn’t stop Avery from wanting to be near her more lately. Besides, it was fun playing with the kids. Gabe and Owen had gotten so big and were crawling all over the place. And it was always entertaining seeing what new things Mackenzie was getting into these days. Being at the ranch had recharged her batteries, and for a little while she’d forgotten about her problems with Wyatt.
    The alarm sounded on her cell phone. Time for her weekly call with her dad. She’d been helping him plan a special night out for her mom’s birthday. But Avery had another surprise in store for them too. She’d gotten her parents tickets to a cruise for their upcoming anniversary.
    “Call dad,” She said, loud enough for the Bluetooth microphone to acknowledge the command. He picked up onthe first ring. “Is this Lieutenant Robert Reed, also known as the most awesome dad, ever?”
    He laughed. “Guilty as charged. Hi, Baby.”
    “Hi, Dad. How are you?”
    “I’m just fine now that I’ve heard your voice. How’s my budding neurosurgeon?”
    “Dad.” She rolled her eyes. “I haven’t decided on what my field of concentration will be in medical school.”
    “Whatever it is, I’msure you’ll do great. It’s going to be nice to have a doctor in the family.”
    “We do. Cousin Melissa’s husband Lawrence is a podiatrist.”
    “Lawrence is an idiot. He doesn’t count.”
    “Well, we used to have a neurosurgeon in the family. Does Aunt Taylor still count?” The car in front of her was going so slow it was painful. She checked her mirror for a safe lane change.
    “Inher mind she’s still part of the family.”
    “Would you believe she sent me a congratulatory e-mail? I was kind of shocked.”
    “I’m not surprised. She still has her ear to the family grapevine.”
    Avery checked her mirror again and got into the middle lane on the highway. “Isn’t that a bit strange to be keeping in touch with your ex-husband’s family? It’s been a while since she andUncle Jared parted ways for good.”
    “Sounds like she may still have some regrets she’s working through. According to the rumor mill, she never had that baby she claimed she wanted. I’m sure hearing Jared and Autumn are going strong isn’t helping matters.”
    “Do you think she’ll ever get over Uncle Jared?” She couldn’t help thinking of Wyatt as she asked the question, seeing his handsomeface in her mind.
    “I don’t know sweetie. It depends on the person.”
    “Ah.” She cleared her throat. That was depressing, in more ways than one. “Did you get the e-mail confirmation for the concert tickets I ordered you and mom for her birthday?”
    “I did, thank you very much. She’s going to love seeing her favorite old groups on that nostalgia tour.”
    The house had always beenfilled with music and laughter when she was growing up. Her dad even liked to serenade her mom while cooking dinner. So when Avery saw the advertisement for her parents’ favorite yester-year singing group, she knew

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