Wolf Mate
had her heart broken by
Camron Quinn, an obnoxious, unscrupulous warlock and her senior at
Spell School just before her final year, and yet she had bravely and
stoically picked herself up and soldiered on. Jasynta was a great
witch, and she would make a great mother.
    Melynda smiled a little at the
thought that she would be an aunt soon to an adorable little cub.
    But her smile faded as she
counted the days to her final exams.
    Why couldn't she be an
Elemental witch?
    It would be so much
better...for everyone.
    If her grandmother and mother
found out what she was, they would be...so disappointed, and so
    They didn't know what kind of
witch she was. She had taken great pains to hide it from them. The
truth would no doubt shame and sadden them.
    Elemental witches drew their
power from the elements, from the air, fire, water, wind or other
forces of nature. These witches were pure and powerful.
    On the other hand, Emotional
witches were like leeches, parasites, drawing their power from the
turbulent emotions and charged feelings of others.
    Some Emotional witches needed
hate or anger to fuel their power. Others needed pain and suffering.
To work their magick, the emotion had to be intense, profound,
    Melynda fed off the ardor and
fervor of another.
    It was the reason she dated so
much. To have a fresh infusion of excitement and fervor at each
    Melynda blew out a breath. If
she had taken things further with just one of her dates, and embarked
on an exclusive relationship, would that have generated more ardor
and passion for her?
    Perhaps. Perhaps...not.
    But Melynda knew that the true
answer was no. A loud, resounding no.
    No, there would not be passion
and ardor, fire and lightning.
    Not that red hot passion she
had experienced with Dax Ferro tonight.
    Melynda gasped, her eyes
flying wide open with realization. Fire and lighting.
    She had sparked fire and
lightning with Dax. It wasn't just an illusion. He had ignited her
magickal powers, filled her and fueled her.
    Dax drew her, pulled her,
captivated her. The way he looked at her and touched her made her
ache for him. He was the only one who could set every nerve in her
body on fire, and ignite an inferno in her soul.
    Melynda groaned and buried her
face in her pillow. Why did it have to be him?
    Dax Ferro was aloof,
inscrutable, brash and demanding. He wasn't...nice to her. In fact,
he was the most unreasonable, unbearable, unapproachable boss around.
The other two partners, Matthew Wells and Ian Robertson had much
better temperaments. They were both gentlemen, always polite and
smiling. Dax snarled a lot more than he smiled.
    He was...so...infuriatingly,
irritably hot.
    Melynda piled more pillows
over her head. She was hopeless.
    Despite his attitude towards
her, her traitorous body still hungered and ached for him.
    He tried to speak to her
coldly and curtly, frequently snapping and scowling at her. But
she'd seen the yearning and dark desire in his eyes. Dax had always
fought his hunger for her. She could see the conflict and struggle
in the depths of those silver eyes.
    But tonight, he had lost the
    Dax had never acted on his
desire for her, until tonight.
    Tonight, something snapped.
His control, his lust, his mind.
    Melynda hugged her pillow to
her chest, curling into a ball. He was right. She did go out with
Steven, even though he had ordered her to cancel the date, just to
spite him. She wanted to get even, and regain some semblance of
control over the situation. He had tormented and pleasured her body,
driving her out of her mind. She had felt the power surging through
her like a bolt of lightning as she came. It had frightened her and
confused her. She felt...out of control, out of her depth, and yet,
she felt so powerful. She could feel the magick surging through her
veins, flowing from her core to every cell. The feeling was so
amazing, and so right.
    Melynda squeezed her eyes
shut. Her entire body was trembling and she could feel

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