Wolf Mate
fingers, checking if she had enough magick left in her to
banish him if he really did try to murder her.
    Yup. She could banish him,
but she would have to be fast. Emotions could kill. Literally.
    Dax blinked and with each
blink and each breath, his form became sharper and clearer,
solidifying into a tangible, hulking form.
    Melynda stared at the angles
on Dax's handsome, chiseled face, at his tall, broad body as he
started to walk towards her. She felt a sudden surge of lust and
pride. Her magick must be really powerful. She had succeeded in
summoning his emotion and manifesting it so clearly before her. She
had expected to summon just a faint image, a shadow or a mere ghost
of his emotion on her first try. But here he was, solid, hard and
    This was Dax's emotion, but it
was also Dax. His lips curled into a lopsided smile when his eyes
found her in the shadows.
    “ Melynda,” he
whispered. His voice was soft and low, like he was whispering to her
in a dream.
    But this wasn't a dream.
    This was magick.


    “ Dax.” Melynda
forced her voice to work.
    He was moving closer to her,
his eyes glowing silver in the darkness of her room.
    She almost couldn't breathe,
being so close to the dark, brooding form of Dax. So close she could
reach out and press her hand against his chest, and feel those toned
muscles under her fingers.
    He was staring at her with an
intensity that made her shiver. He was a true predator, silent,
lethal, determined.
    Slowly, he raised a hand
towards her throat.
    Melynda held his gaze
unflinchingly. She had to know.
    “ Do you...hate me, Dax?”
she whispered. “Despise me for what I am?” A
parasitic Emotional witch, the worst and weakest of the witches.
    Dax growled long and low. It
was the sound of the wolf, not the man. She could feel the wolf,
prowling so close to the surface, pacing, growling like a caged
    She had never seen Dax in his
wolf form, but she had no doubt that his wolf would be just as
impressive, just as handsome as the man.
    Would she get to see his wolf
tonight? Did she dare use her magick to trigger a shift?
    No, Dax would never forgive
her. Forcing him to reveal his wolf against his will was a breach of
trust, an act of violence, on every level. It was dark magick, and
many Emotional witches took their first step down the path of
darkness because they were unable to resist the temptation.
    It was so tempting, so easy
for Emotional witches to access and manipulate someone else's
emotions. It was satisfying, was it not, to use your enemies' fear
against them, and drive them out of their minds? You could crush
their fragile minds in your palm like a boiled egg, leaving them
screaming and blubbering like idiots. It really would have been more
merciful to kill them, but where was the fun in that? Melynda had
secretly logged onto some chat forums for Emotional witches under a
fake account. Emotional witches were funny and feisty, and she had
laughed as she chatted with them. But they had a vicious, vindictive
side. As she read through the various conversation threads, she
realized how easy it was to get sucked into their world of vengeance,
vengeance without blood, the witches had crowed.
    The Emotional witches' brand
of violence and vengeance might be bloodless, but it was far more
harrowing and devastating.
    Shattering someone's heart and
mind was far worse than breaking his limbs and his bones.
    Was this the type of witch she
    Is this how Dax saw her, as a
dark, destructive witch?
    His hand was on her throat,
his strong fingers closing around her neck. Melynda stared straight
into his eyes, tensed but strangely unafraid.
    “ Hate you? Despise
you?” He let out a mirthless laugh. “I desire you,
Melynda. I want you so bad I'm going out of my goddamn mind. Every
time I see you, I just want to touch you. I need you, Melynda. I
want you...to be mine.”
    She gasped when he grabbed her
wrists and pinned her wrists to the wall on either side of her head.

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