“C’mon,” she said, peering up into his scrunched-up face. Why was it troubling him so much? “Let me practice on you. That way, when Zoe is ready to try again, I’ll be ready for her. You want her on the team, right?”
He seemed even more conflicted. “Yes.”
“Then show her you’re not afraid of your own white wolf,” she said, tilting her head toward the forest.
He visibly swallowed. He really was afraid. She didn’t understand that at all. Daniel Wilding was strong, in command, an alpha wolf if she’d ever seen one—that was part of why her wolf was whimpering, even now, for her to leap up into his muscular arms and ride him like she would never let go. What could possibly make this man who oozed confidence and masculinity afraid?
Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, “All right.” It was a bare mumble through his teeth, but he brushed past her and led the way into the cover of the trees and shrubs.
They hiked in silence for several minutes. She would let him decide how far he wanted to go before it was far enough—deep enough in the forest not to be seen or heard by anyone wandering nearby at the edge of the estate. Finally, he stopped shoving aside ferns and turned to face her.
“I’m really the one who should be thanking you.” He’d lost some of that uncertain look from before. “You’re doing great things for the team. I’m glad you’re part of it.”
That sent an unexpected flush through her. She was part of the team. Their strange little pack of magical white wolves. It was the closest she would ever come to having a pack of her own. Tears suddenly pricked her eyes, and she had to look away.
“Hey,” Daniel said, peering at her and stepping closer. “Did I say something wrong?”
She blinked back the tears and told her wolf to stop the whining already, for goddess’s sake! “No, I just…” She fought to put on a smile and look him in the face. “That was a sweet thing to say. Thank you.”
He seemed confused. “Okay.”
“So,” she said brightly, “let’s get started.”
He frowned. “You should know I don’t think this is going to work.”
“That’s the spirit!” she exclaimed.
He huffed a small laugh and smiled. Holy crap, the man was gorgeous when he smiled. She wasn’t sure if she’d even seen a grin on him before, but if she had, it was nothing like this rain of sunshine in the middle of the forest.
The smirk that followed was slaying her heart. “Okay, Ms. Starling,” he said in a rough-and-sexy voice that was going straight to her lady parts. “Tell me what I need to do.”
She tried to ignore the heat flushing through her. “You have to focus on your wolf. Maybe you could shift to truly get in touch with him.”
He lifted one eyebrow. “You’re just trying to get my naked, aren’t you?”
She choked. “No! I was just—”
He was chuckling. Laughing. At her.
She narrowed her eyes. “Maybe you should shift. After all, you’ve seen me naked already. Turnabout’s fair play.”
His chuckling faded away, and the heated look was back. Before she could say anything else, he had shifted into the beautiful, black-shaggy wolf she had seen in the forest the other morning. His bright blue eyes shone, even more brilliant in contrast with his black fur. He wasn’t a white wolf, obviously, but he was gorgeous. As a man. As a wolf. It really didn’t matter.
She was drawn in and found herself kneeling down into the ferns until she was eye-level with his wolf form. She was reaching for him before she even thought about what she was doing, just like before—
He leaned his head away.
She froze, her hand still hanging in the air between them. “I just…” She swallowed. “Your fur is so beautiful. Can I touch it?” Did he even understand her while in wolf form? She’d never been around anyone else when she had shifted, and while her beast was fully part of her while she was in wolf form, she still was able to hear and to
Suzanne Steele, Stormy Dawn Weathers