Wicked: Tempt Me Not [Wicked Series Book 1]

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Book: Read Wicked: Tempt Me Not [Wicked Series Book 1] for Free Online
Authors: Lily Graison
said. “Most of it, anyway. My problems with alcohol were mostly true, though."
    "And the band,” she asked, quietly.
    "Some of that was based on truth. Luke and Mick were ready to head off on their own if I didn't straighten my shit up and Christian ... well, Christian just does what the other two say to do so..."
    He yawned, his eyes fluttering. “Why don't you get some sleep,” Holly said. “You'll be good as new in the morning."
    He grunted something unintelligible and Holly watched him for a few more minutes before standing and making her way to the stairs.
    She looked back down at him, smiling. That was probably the first conversation they'd had that didn't involve yelling or sexual advances.
    Her smile grew, her gaze sweeping his form before she sighed. He really was pretty to look at and now she knew that underneath that rude exterior was a man she would love to know more about.
    * * * *
    Holly opened her eyes and sighed as the previous morning played over for her. Loud, obscene words filled the cabin as Devin ranted, about what, she had no clue.
    Crawling from the bed, she walked to the stairs and looked down. “Have you ever tried not acting like an insane person in the mornings?"
    "Fuck off!"
    Her eyes widened as she gaped at him. “Excuse me?"
    "I said: Fuck. Off.” Devin yelled up to her.
    Her blood boiled hot. “You are the biggest asshole I have ever met!” Holly started down the stairs, never taking her eyes off of him. He turned his head to her and the look he shot her caused her to pause.
    The previous night played in slow motion in her mind's eye and her last thought before going to bed was erased instantly. The sweet guy she'd talked to last night was gone. The asshole was back.
    She snarled her lip at him, rolling her eyes and continued down the stairs. He was leaning on the side of the sofa, she noticed, and when she reached the bottom of the steps, she stopped, crossing her arms over her chest. “Where are you going?"
    "To take a piss. Not that it's any concern of yours,” he spat.
    Holly watched him, noticing the grimace on his face when he tried to take a step. His right leg gave out and she held back a smile as he cursed and hit his knees. “You know, all you have to do is ask me nicely and I would help."
    Devin looked over at her and growled in response. “I don't need your help."
    "Oh, is that so?” Holly asked. “Well, by all means, go about your business.” She walked past him on her way to the kitchen and could hear him mumble under his breath. She hid her smile as his cursing got louder before she heard him whisper her name.
    Turning to face him she couldn't help but smile. He was now on his hands and knees and his face was completely red. “Did you need something, Devin?"
    She watched him for long moments, his face turning bright red before he said, “Can you help me up?"
    "What was that?” Holly asked, putting a hand to her ear as she smiled. “I didn't quite hear you."
    He swore under his breath, turning his head to look at her. “Can you help me?” he shouted before looking back at the floor. “Irritating little bitch."
    Holly's eyes widened as she heard his whispered comment before she grinned. “Now Devin. I know you didn't just call me a bitch, did you? Because that would be one sure way to end up in the floor for the rest of the day."
    "Christ woman, can you stop your blathering for one fucking second and help me off the floor before I piss myself!"
    With a grin, Holly walked over to him and grabbed his arm. She helped him stand, and walk back around the couch, letting him fall onto it amidst more colorful words.
    Heading to the kitchen she searched the cabinets until she found what she was looking for. Walking back to the couch, she grabbed the blanket he had thrown in the floor, threw it on his lap, and held her hand out.
    "What?” Devin asked, stretching his arm and taking the jar she held out to him.
    "For your little problem,” she smiled,

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