has God's plan, and that he does believe in Jesus Christ."
The two fell silent for a moment. It had come as a great surprise to both of them to discover that they both had come to a saving knowledge of Christ, but it had been a tremendous letdown for Mitch when he realized his brother had never made that step.
"I keep praying, Mitch, but I also must thank God. I know Morgan loves me, and when I think of how it could be, I praise God for His grace and provision."
"I'm not sure what you mean."
"Only that he is a wonderful father and husband. He adores the girls, and even though he can be very dictatorial, he always acts in our best interest. So you see, I have much for which to give thanks."
Mitch nodded and also expressed his own heartfelt thanks. His brother had married a wonderful woman who honored him and was making a strong attempt to raise her girls to understand God's greatest gift. A sudden pang stabbed through Mitch's heart as he thought of his own Clara. Mitch himself had not realized his need for Christ until after her death. He had no idea where she was spending eternity, and all he could do was rest in God's sovereignty.
Boulder, Colorado
Robert Langley rocked his chair back onto two legs and smiled at the letter in his hand. Eddie wanted him to come for a visit. She had not come right out and said so, but it was there. Roberts eyes closed as he pictured her in his mind, and again he smiled. He had told her that he'd been looking for her for a very long time, and this was quite true. She was everything he could possibly hope for in a wife. She shared his faith in Christ, she was gentle, kind hearted, and lovely. He had spent only three hours with her, but it felt like they had always known each other. And when they parted, he touched her hand oh-so-briefly, but even now his heart thundered in his chest at the thought of holding her in his arms. How soon could he leave ...
A knock sounded on his office door, and Robert was forced back to the world of banking.
"Come in," he called and stood up with a smile when his friend, Travis Buchanan, came in.
"Travis," the men shook hands.,"what brings you into town?"
"Just a little business. We're starting a cattle drive soon and I needed a newspaper."
"Well, since you're here, I'll buy you lunch at the hotel."
"With an offer like that, I wonder why I don't come into town more often."
Robert reached for his suit jacket, and the men made their way through the bank and out onto the street. The contrast in their mode of dress was fascinating, and they caught many eyes, but some of this probably could have been attributed to their height. Robert Langley was no midget at 62", but Travis was the main attraction at 6'4". He was a rancher by trade, and with his dark jeans, plaid shirt, broad shoulders, and worn cowboy boots, he appeared even larger. Robert was also a large man, but his dress was very much that of the banker, with black serge pants and jacket, snow-white shirt, and a dark tie at his throat. Both men were well known in town, so seating in the dining room at the hotel was immediate and comfortable.
"What day do you expect the cattle to go?" Robert asked. They had placed their orders and been served large mugs of strong, black coffee.
"It looks like two weeks from Thursday, but I'll need to be back in town the day before." A sudden smile split Travis' face, and he said, "Shall I buy lunch that day?"
Robert smiled as well, his expression rather wistful. "As a matter of fact, I don't think I'll be around."
"Business?" Travis felt free to ask.
"No," Robert told him with quiet contentment. "I'm going to Georgetown."
Again Travis smiled. "Tell Eddie that I look forward to meeting her."
Robert only nodded, but he looked pleased. A moment later the waitress arrived with their food.
It did not go unnoticed by Jackie that Clayton Taggart sat directly behind her in church the next Sunday. It was not planned, but suddenly there he was. Her father liked to be