Where The Heart Leads

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Book: Read Where The Heart Leads for Free Online
Authors: Stephanie Laurens
Tags: Historical
unseeing across the carriage. “Does that suggest anything—any specific activity?”
    He considered her, then said, “The East End is a large and densely populated area.” Moreover, one teeming with vice .
    She grimaced, then refocused on him. “So—what next?”
    “I think…if you’re agreeable, I’d like to lay what we know before a friend—Inspector Basil Stokes of Scotland Yard.”
    Her brows rose. “The police?” After a moment of returning his regard, she said, “To be perfectly honest I can’t imagine Peel’s Police Force evincing much interest in missing pauper boys.”
    His smile was as cynical as her tone. “In the normal way of things, you would unfortunately be correct. However, Stokes and I go back a long way. And at this stage all I’ll do is alert him to the situation and ask for his opinion.” He paused, then went on, “Once he’s heard what we know…”
    If Stokes, like Barnaby, felt his instincts pricking…
    But he didn’t need to share such thoughts with Penelope Ashford.
    He shrugged. “We’ll see.”
    He returned Penelope to the Foundling House, then took the hackney on to Scotland Yard. Entering the bland and unremarkable building that now housed the Metropolitan Police Force, he made his way to Stokes’s office unchallenged; most in the building knew him by sight, and by reputation.
    Stokes’s office was on the first floor. When Barnaby reached it, the door stood open. He paused just outside, looking in, a slow grin lifting his lips at the sight of his friend, coat off, sleeves rolled up, laboriously writing reports.
    If there was one thing Stokes did not appreciate about his increasing success and status, it was the inevitable report writing.
    Sensing a presence, Stokes glanced up, saw him, and smiled. Delightedly. He laid down his pen, pushed aside the stack of papers, and sat back. “Well, well—what brings you here?”
    Anticipation rang in his tone.
    With a laugh, Barnaby walked into the office—not tiny, thankfully, but of a size just large enough to accommodate four people at a pinch. Set before the window, the desk with its chair faced the door. A cupboard stood against one wall, packed with files. Stokes’s greatcoat hung from the coat hook on the wall. Slipping the buttons of his own elegant overcoat free, Barnaby let it fall open as he sank into one of the two chairs before the desk.
    He met Stokes’s slate-gray eyes. Of similar height and build to Barnaby, dark-haired, with rather saturnine features, Stokes was peculiarly classless. His father had been a merchant, not a gentleman, but courtesy of his maternal grandfather, Stokes had been well educated. Because of that, Stokes had a better grasp of the ways of the ton, and therefore a better chance of dealing with the denizens of that elite world, than any other inspector presently on Peel’s force.
    In Barnaby’s opinion, the force was lucky to have Stokes. Aside from all else, he was intelligent and used his brain. Which in part was why they’d become close friends.
    Which in turn was why Stokes was eyeing him with such undisguisedeagerness; he hoped Barnaby was about to save him from his reports.
    Barnaby grinned. “I have a case that, while not in our usual way of things, might just pique your interest.”
    “At present that wouldn’t be hard.” Stokes’s voice was deep, rather gravelly, a contrast to Barnaby’s well-modulated tones. “All our villains have gone on holiday early this year, or else they’ve retired to the country because we’ve made it too warm for them here. Either way, I’m all ears.”
    “In that case…I’ve been asked by the administrator of the Foundling House in Bloomsbury to look into the disappearance of four boys.”
    Succinctly, Barnaby outlined all he’d learned from Penelope, from his observations at the house, and during their trip to Clerkenwell. As he did, a gravity he hadn’t allowed Penelope to see infused his voice and his expression.
    By the time he

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