When the Music Stops

Read When the Music Stops for Free Online

Book: Read When the Music Stops for Free Online
Authors: Paddy Eger
she sat.
    Marta stood and offered him her hand. “I am.”
    “Thanks for meeting me here,” he said as they shook hands. “Sorry for the informality. We’re a low budget operation with only four or five performances a year. But you probably know that.” He sat down next to her. So, Marta, let’s talk about your theatre experience.”
    “I’m a ballet dancer, and I have no theatre experience.”
    “I see,” he said. “Why am I talking with you if you have no art background or experience?”
    Marta felt the sting of his comment but pressed on. “I sew,” she said as she shook out two handmade costumes she’d brought with her. “I made these a few years ago. Sewing is a bit of a passion in our family.”
    He turned the samples over and checked the seams. “Very nice. And what about sets? Got any tucked in your bag?”
    She laughed. “No, but I watched the ballet set team create backdrops. If someone shows me the basics, I’d like to learn.”
    He checked his watch and stood. “Give me a few days. We might need your sewing talents. If no qualified set person applies, I’ll call you about that job as well.” He headed backstage, leaving Marta alone in the auditorium.
    “Thanks, Mr. Ryan. You’re welcome, Marta.” she said to the empty auditorium.
    She sat in the dusky light and stared at the stage. Had he dismissed her? Was there any chance she’d get the jobs? She tucked the costumes back into her bag and exited the building.
    The sunshine momentarily blinded her as she stood under the community theatre marquee and pawed through her purse for sunglasses. Oh well, she’d made an attempt. Next stop, the drug store across the street. She spent most of her last three dollars on diet pills, then took the bus home. Back to the afternoon soap operas, One Loving Life , As The World Turns and General Hospital .
    The call came four days later. Marta took the call from Mr. Ryan while dressed in her robe seated in the kitchen playing solitaire.
    “Miss Selbryth,” he said. “If you’re still available, I’d like to hire you to sew costumes for our summer children’s theatre. Our six actors are students from the local junior highs. We’re doing an original children’s play called Come Out and Play, written by a friend of mine. The storyline calls for the animals to plan a surprise party. Our costume shop has a few items that need repairs, plus we want several animal costumes sewn. Does that interest you?”
    Marta sat up. “Yes, it does. Thank you for remembering me. When do you want me to start?”
    Mr. Ryan laughed. “We need the costumes yesterday. They must be flexible so the characters can dance as well as run around. Sound doable?”
    “Sure. I’ll come by this afternoon and see what you have and what you need. Who’s teaching them the animal dances?”
    “The Holland Dance Studio. Do you know the place?”
    “Very well. I took my training there. Miss Holland prepared me to become a professional dancer.”
    “Really? Would you want to teach our teenage actors a few steps?”
    Marta twisted the phone cord around her finger. “I’d love to, but let me contact Miss Holland. She may already have someone in mind.”
    “Great. Let me know when you stop in this afternoon. The kids will be here as well. Thanks, Marta.”
    Marta felt a flutter of anticipation in her stomach when she dialed the dance studio.
    “Holland Dance Studio. This is Elle.”
    “Hi, Mom. Is Miss Holland busy?”
    Hi, honey. She’s standing beside me. Just a minute.”
    “Marta?” Miss Holland said. “How are you? How’s the ankle?”
    “I’m fine and my ankle is coming along. I’m sorry I haven’t stopped by the studio yet.”
    “Are you coming in today? I’d love to see you.“
    “No, not today.” Marta explained about the community theatre.
    “If you’re up to teaching them, I’d be grateful. The girl I had in mind is away. Hal will be lucky to have you helping him. Just don’t overdo it. I’ll call Hal

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