When the Music Stops

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Book: Read When the Music Stops for Free Online
Authors: Paddy Eger
though she guessed she was a scant five years older than the junior high actors, she felt a deep chasm separating them. Must be her year away on her own that created the gap. Regardless, she hoped they’d arrive for each rehearsal with more enthusiasm than they brought today, making her task considerably easier.
    The teen play changed how she spent her day. She got up early and sat with her mom as she prepared for work. Then she spent time adjusting the dance steps and making or embellishing costumes before she hopped on the bus for the theater. Back at home she fixed dinner and once again readjusted the dances and costumes before her mom returned home. She forgot about taking diet pills, so perhaps her life had begun to change for the better and she’d focus on using her natural energy. Speaking with Miss Holland took a backseat to the teen play, but she needed to schedule her visit soon.
    Wednesday afternoon dance rehearsals started with mixed results. Valerie, Terry, and Pam belonged to a dance team and learned their dances with ease. Marta added more detailed choreography to their two-minute solos.
    The teen boys, Neil, Willis, and George, needed their simplified dances. Tortoise Neil’s and Elephant Willis’s slow-moving dances gave them time to think before they moved. Poor George shuffled like a lost cause. His feet became entangled throughout his brief yet fast-paced kangaroo solo.
    “Marta, I don’t know if I can do this,” George said. “I mean I want to be in the play and all, but I don’t want to be laughed at.”
    “George, you’re doing fine. Lift your feet a little higher, like this.” Marta demonstrated, then danced beside George to guide him. “Remember, this is a kids’ play and it’s supposed to be humorous.”
    Sure enough, when he lifted his feet he performed the steps perfectly and started adding humor to his role.
    The end of June, Marta received another call from Hal Ryan. “I understand the dance lessons are going well. I appreciate your taking over that job.”
    “Thanks. It’s fun working with the teens. It’s a cute play. I’m certain the community will enjoy it.”
    “That’s great to hear. Now more good news for you. Dennis, the set designer, hasn’t found qualified help, so he’ll call you before Monday to give you the opportunity to try your hand at building sets and helping paint them as well. It will be a bit of a time crunch with the sets needing to be completed as close to July tenth as possible.”
    “I’ll do my best. I’m excited to help make sets. Watching the crew assemble them always fascinated me. Thanks, Mr. Ryan.”
    “Call me Hal. Prepare to get messy, Marta. Would you be interested in taking subscription calls and doing other odd jobs?”
    “Yes, I’d love whatever work you have for me. I did reception jobs in Billings.”
    “How did you fit that in with your career?”
    “I didn’t. I worked at a hotel while I had a cast on my leg and couldn’t dance.”
    “That must have been disappointing, but we’re glad to have you working with us.”
    “Thanks, Hal.” Marta hung up the phone and sat at the kitchen table feeling a mix of emotions. Hal, a near stranger, took the time to commiserate. Madame Cosper, artistic director of the ballet company, never shared any compassion for Marta’s injury and recovery. Some day she hoped to understand why Madame didn’t care or didn’t like her.
    Marta jumped up. No good came from dwelling on her past. Having jobs allowed her to send money to pay her doctor and hospital bills in Billings. If the set design job worked out, she’d start a nest egg toward getting a place of her own and a car.
    “And that’s the KING 5 News at Noon for Tuesday, July 7th, 1958.” Marta clicked off the television. She retrieved the mail and flipped through it for her near-daily letter from Steve. No letter today; must be busy, or waiting until he received more than a postcard from her. Would he care to hear about her

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