West of Eden

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Book: Read West of Eden for Free Online
Authors: Harry Harrison
the indentations in the hard surface.
    "These creatures are small, very small, smaller than we are. These pads are soft with no marks of claws.
    Tso! Look there—count!"
    She straightened up and spun about to face the others, extending one hand with fingers outspread, angry color rippling across her palm.
    West of Eden - Harry Harrison
    "Five toes, that's what they have, not four. Who knows what kind of beasts have five toes?" Silence was her only answer. "There are too many mysteries here. I don't like it. How many guards were there?"
    "Three," Erafnais said. "One at each end of the beach, the third near the center…"
    She broke off as one of the crewmembers came crashing through the undergrowth behind them. "There is a small boat," she called out. "Landing on the beach."
    When Vaintè came out from under the trees she saw that the boat was rocking in the surf, laden with containers of some kind. One of the occupants was holding on to the boat so the creature would not stray: the other two were on the beach staring at the corpses. They turned about as Vaintè approached and she saw the twisted wire necklace that one of them wore about her neck. Vaintè stared at it.
    "You are the esekasak, she who defends the birth beaches—why were you not here defending your charges?"
    The esekasak's nostrils widened with rage. "Who are you to talk to me like that—"
    "I am Vaintè who is now Eistaa of this city. Now answer my question, low one, for I lose patience."
    The esekasak touched her lips in supplication, stumbling backward a step as she did. "Excuse me, Highest, I didn't know. The shock, these deaths…"
    "Are your responsibility. Where were you?"
    "The city, getting food and the new guard."
    "How long have you been away?"
    "Just two days, Highest, as always."
    " As always! " Vaintè could feel herself swelling with rage that added harsh emphasis to her words. "I understand none of this. Why do you leave your beach to go to the city by sea? Where is the Wall of Thorns, the defenses?"
    "Not yet grown, Highest, unsafe. The river is being widened and deepened and has not been cleared of the dangerous beasts yet. It was decided for safety's sake to site the birth beach on the ocean, temporarily of course."
    "Safety's sake!" Vaintè could no longer control her rage as she pointed at the corpses, shouting. "They are dead—all of them. Your responsibility. Would that you were dead with them. For this, the greatest of West of Eden - Harry Harrison
    crimes, I demand the greatest of penalties. You are ejected from this city, from the society of speakers, to rejoin the speechless. You will not live long, but every moment until you die you will remember that it was your charge, your responsibility, your mistake that brought on this sentence." Vaintè stepped forward and hooked her thumbs around the metal emblem of high office and pulled hard, tearing it free. The broken ends cutting the esekasak's neck. She hurled it into the surf as she chanted the litany of depersonalization.
    "I strip you of your charge. All of those present here strip you of your rank for your failure of responsibility. Every citizen of Inegban*, the city that is our home, every Yilanè alive joins us in stripping you of your citizenship. Now I take away your name and no one living will speak it aloud again but will speak instead of Lekmelik, darkness of evil. I return you to the nameless and speechless. Go."
    Vaintè pointed to the ocean, frightening in her wrath. The depersonalized esekasak fell to her knees, stretched full length in the sand at Vaintè's feet. Her words were barely understandable.
    "Not that, no, I beg. Not to blame, it was Deeste who ordered it, forced us. There should have been no births, she didn't enforce sexual discipline, I cannot be blamed for that, there should have been no births.
    What has happened is not my fault…"
    Her voice rumbled in her throat, then died away; the movement of her limbs slowed and stopped.
    "Turn the creature

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