
Read Warclaw for Free Online

Book: Read Warclaw for Free Online
Authors: Samantha McGivern
attention. Wren stood between the two trees that were like an entrance to a temple. There was a small breeze in the air that danced with the leaves on the trees. The trees bowed over to each other, like two people bowing to each other before a Waltz, creating a mesmerizing archway. The leaves trickled down like rain drops, and as they blew in the wind, their movement was as graceful as swan. They moved with such magistrate that could only be performed by kings and queens. And stood in that archway was Wren. He looked at Wibeke with inquisitive eyes.
    "What's wrong Wibeke?" Wren asked quietly. Wibeke looked at him blankly, showing no emotion on her face or in her posture. To Wren she looked warn down and exhausted, as it looked like she hadn't slept for weeks. 'This is not her.' He thought, worried. At her posture, he tilted his head, trying to get her attention or some form of reaction from her. "Come on, tell me what's wrong. Every-wolf can see it Wibeke. Every-wolf can see that you're run down and exhausted. So come on tell me what's wrong. You can be straight and honest with me, you know that." Wibeke could see that Wren was honestly concerned for her but how could she tell him? After everything that had happened and what she had put the pack through, she couldn’t tell him without sounding pathetic. 'I'm going to have to lie to him. But how can I do that? He'll know something's wrong. I'm not the world's greatest liar! No. I'm going to have to tell him the truth, even if he judges me and thinks I’m pathetic. Besides how else am I going to get out of this mess?'
    Wibeke sighed and looked away from where Wren was standing. 'Here goes.' She thought before taking a deep breath to calm her nerves. "I've been worried about the pack. I have been thinking..." Wibeke paused, taking another gasp of air in to calm her racing heart."Thinking about what?" Wren asked inquisitively, looking into her hazel brown eyes.
    "That it's entirely my fault that the pack has ended up where it has! I was the one to persuade every single wolf, that Warclaw should be the new Alpha. Just look how wrong I was?!" Wibeke let out a big sigh before looking down to the ground in dismay."It wasn't your fault Wibeke. The whole of the pack, including myself, decided that we were all going to make Warclaw the Alpha. Not just you alone." Wren said, trying to be comforting.
    Wibeke started pacing back and forth again. Her paws bedding down in the dirt, making the ground ware down. She had worn it down so much that it became like a sheet of ice that once you stepped on it, it would shatter. Wibeke was trying to calm herself down and she took in gulps of air to try and slow her irregular breathing. She could feel her heart race in her chest. It raced with such force; it was like a horse in the middle of a race, not slowing for anything. "How could I have been so stubborn? How could have I thought that he could've been better for the pack? I was stupid, unprofessionally stupid. I thought he would be better for the pack and now look what has happened to it. All the wolves that could've fought for the pack are now dead. We're left with the old who are about as useful as a bucket with a hole in it, no offence to them or anything. And then there's the young, and they can't exactly fight now can they? All that is left is just us. The only ones that are protecting the pack are me, you, Will and Wai. That's it! There is no-wolf that can help us. We are run down for pack members. Warclaw has become too powerful and now we don't even have a pack that can stand up to him!"
    "Wibeke, how could you think that?! You were not to know that he was going to revert kill the Alpha and do what he did. I know the older wolves aren't that useful, neither are the younger ones, but whom else do we have? We have to try and get them back before Warclaw destroys our lives even more and then the rest of the world!" He rested his head on her shoulder.
    'That was easier than I thought it would

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