Walkers (Book 2): The Rescue

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Book: Read Walkers (Book 2): The Rescue for Free Online
Authors: Zelda Davis-Lindsey
Tags: Zombies
do that?  I'm not nervous, nope not me.
         I hope Ken never finds out, he'll be so pissed.  He's tried to it but never could manage it.  If he finds out George can do it, he'll be devastated.
         The general stopped pacing and stood in front of us with her hands clasped behind her.  The change took me by surprise, since I had wanted it  to stop already.  When she did, I was more nervous.   Looking intently at each of us, she took a deep breath.  "I have no choice but to believe you.  Now that you're here, you have to stay so it might as well be on good terms.  Just a note of warning.  Those three men who brought you in are hardcore.  They shoot first and don't give a damn about asking questions.  I'm controlling them at this time, but just barely. So don't get in their way, understood?"
         We nodded our heads like good little kids. 
         "Dr. May, would you find them some bunks and assign them duties we all can live with?"
         "Sure, sir."  She said to the pixie, who seemed satisfied and turned back to the monitors.  We were clearly dismissed so George grabbed my hand and began to lead me to another portion of the Command center.  We headed down some more steps and walked into a room that was clearly a lab.  It was a long narrow room, with two counters running down the middle nearly to the end.  Each counter was loaded down with microscopes, burners and machines that probably did some amazing things.  Northern Uncle Bill stood at the other end, talking to a man in a lab coat.  They were so intent on their conversation, that George had to tap him on the shoulder to get his attention.  That had evidently been tried before, because he shrugged her off and continued as if she was a pesky fly.  She blushed, then stood meekly by waiting for him to notice her.  It seemed practiced, like she had done it many times before.  I didn't doubt it a bit
         He was a tall man with white hair and a white goat tee and mustache.  His slender frame had never seen an ounce of fat because he was too busy with his work to eat.  Wearing a white lab coat and blue booties on his shoes, he ignored us which I was all too familiar with. 
         When the other man finally nodded and left, Northern Uncle Bill turned, saw George and his face lit up.  The light went out when he saw me and Ken.  Yep, been there, done that.  I wasn't offended because I already knew where I stood in his heart.  It should have hurt my feelings but I only get hurt by the people I care about.  I found I was only mildly irritated.  That irritation was due mostly to our reception more than his indifference.  I wondered, briefly,  if he would be hurt that I really didn't care, but only briefly.  I turned to Mason and smiled.  He looked puzzled for a moment but our connection was solid and he smiled back at me.
         "Dad, this is JD's husband, Mason."  He glanced briefly at Mason, then turned when Ken spoke.
         "We need to discuss the reason we're here.  Is there a safe place around here to do that?"  Ken asked, clearly not happy. 
         "Yes, follow me."  George started to lead us into what looked like a storage room filled to overflowing with boxes labeled 'files'.  Northern Uncle Bill stayed her with a tight grip on her arm.  "I think this can wait for a bit."
         "No sir, it can't wait.  Not even a few minutes ."  Mason said, leading the way into the storage room.  Northern Uncle Bill hesitated a moment, with a look on his face that my mother would make when she smelled something nasty.  He followed us into the room anyway.   George looked around outside before closing the door and locking it.             
         "We have to be careful.  They're so scared someone will escape, they watch us like hawks."
         "Why don't they care if someone leaves?"  Mason asked.
         "They're afraid everyone will find out about this place and want in.  They

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