Walkers (Book 2): The Rescue

Read Walkers (Book 2): The Rescue for Free Online

Book: Read Walkers (Book 2): The Rescue for Free Online
Authors: Zelda Davis-Lindsey
Tags: Zombies
         "Wait a minute, I don't like this."  Ken said, looking around the room. "Just wait a minute, let me see if I can figure this out."
         "What's to figure out.  We were supposed to have a key card, we don't and we have to get these doors open.  So, as far as I can see, we have to break in."
         "It would be our luck, poison gas would come in the vents and kill us."  Mason said, looking all around the walls and the floors.  I let them look while I thought about my bladder which was demanding attention.  The corner of the room was looking pretty damn good to me when Ken did an ' Ah hah'.
         He held up a card he had pulled out of his pocket.  "l was given this a few days before I was due to show up.  Thought I should hang onto it.  I didn't know what it went to but from the markings on it I think it belongs right here."  He then stuck the thing into the slot.  Green lights ran up and down the outside of the slot, then a red light blinked before a green one again.  The door began to open.  I hope there's a restroom in here, I thought as we stood before a very big room with beds in it.  Nothing moved so we stepped inside.  When the doors closed behind us, I had a feeling we were in trouble.  When we were suddenly facing several soldiers with very large guns, I knew it.
         "We're out of poison gas."  One of the soldiers said, pointing a big gun at us.
         "Well, that has to be a bummer."  I said to the gun.  "I was just wondering if I could use your restroom.  I hate going behind a bush.  It's so unsanitary not to mention there isn't any toilet paper."
         "Shut up" said one particularly large man dressed to kill, literally.
         I complied, but this guy is gonna die later.  No one said anything as they relieved us of our guns.  They let us keep the ammo, which was a big mistake on their part.
         Don't do that, please, you'll just piss them off and we don't want that right now.  Please, honey, be nice. Mason warmed me and I relaxed a bit.  Enough to keep my mouth closed anyway. 
         "What are you doing here? How did you get the codes to open the doors?" The big one seemed to be the boss.  He stood in front of me and I got the feeling he was talking to me.  I just stared at the floor.
         "We found them on a body that was dumped a few days ago.  We thought it might be safer in here than out there."  Ken said in a nasally voice I'd never heard before.  "We need sanctuary and we thought this would be a good place for one."  What a liar.  I tried not to look up because I knew my face would say, 'What a liar.'
         "Well, the general will decide what to do with you.  Move," he commanded, pushing us in the direction of the back of the room.  We would have been headed in that direction anyway, this way we had an escort.
         We walked single file to the back of the room.  One of the men opened a door and we walked into the dormitory shower area.  "I would really appreciate using one of the restrooms right now."  I wasn't lying earlier. " I really need to go and if I pee my pants it's not going to be good being around me then."
         "JD if you don't really...."
         "I really need to, Mason, I swear on my lodge."
         The men all looked at each other as I danced a bit in place.  'Smart ass' motioned to one of the stalls and I didn't waste any time.  It was difficult getting started knowing six men stood just feet away, but I thought of other things and finally managed to get things done.  Relief was so great I thought I would cry, but I just stepped out of the stall like I was with my girlfriends at the mall.
         "Anyone else".  Big guy said.  Clearly not expecting an answer. "Lets go then." Big said, motioning towards what I thought was another stall door.  It was a door to some stairs.  I thought it was nice of them to help us find our way to the Command Center.  NOT.
         When we

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