Vengeance Born (The Light Blade #1)

Read Vengeance Born (The Light Blade #1) for Free Online

Book: Read Vengeance Born (The Light Blade #1) for Free Online
Authors: Kylie Griffin
ESIA hurried along the dark corridor, her thoughts centered on Annika and Kalan rather than the rough, wet stone underfoot. She inhaled a shaky breath and swallowed hard against the tightness in her throat. Had she made the right decision sending Annika away with the Light Blade?
    After so many years of watching Savyr’s attempts to break Annika’s spirit, and knowing time worked against her efforts to save Annika, Kalan’s capture and imprisonment had certainly been the answer to her prayers. She had to have faith that the Lady would provide Annika with a better future, that Kalan would keep his word to her, and that She would keep them both safe.
    “I can’t believe you entrusted the life of someone you love like a daughter to a Light Blade warrior.”
    The deep-voiced, softly spoken reprimand came from the shadows of a bisecting tunnel. Hesia jerked in surprise, her hand clutching at her throat in fright as a figure dressed in black moved to block her path. The tall, lean, muscled body moved with fluid grace. Powerful and dangerous.
    The nearest torch threw enough light so she could see his face. Glowing violet eyes ringed with green met her gaze. The pounding of her heart eased. He was more than capable of killing her, had learned that skill at a very young age, but she knew he’d never harm her.
    “Varian, you’ve taken a great risk coming here.”
    “None greater than any you’ve chanced over the last thirty years, old woman.”
    She smiled at the undertone of affection in his voice. He’d called her that from the first time she’d found him, a young child of five scavenging in the fortress rubbish pile for food, half wild and belligerent.
    The young Na’Chi came closer, his tread silent. “He’ll kill Annika the first chance he gets. His kind won’t see the difference between us and the Na’Reish .”
    “His honor binds him. He’s promised to help her.”
    “Annika should have been told about us.” His somber tone made her grimace.
    “Do you think I liked keeping that secret from her? Her knowing of your existence would’ve put you all at risk.”
    “She believes we were all killed as young children.”
    “And the Lady forgive me for lying to her all these years.” Her gaze sharpened. “But you know why it was necessary.”
    His sigh was heavy. “Do you really think the Light Blade will help her?”
    “He gave his word. He’ll learn to trust. When he does, he’ll realize that to be Na’Chi is not the same as Na’Reish .” She prayed with all her heart the path she’d helped prepare was one the Lady approved of. Nothing would provide more peace and comfort than knowing the Na’Chi were safe and able to live happy lives. “If she’s accepted by him, this will pave the way for you. The Lady will guide them both.”
    He reached out an arm to help her around a rut in the tunnel floor. “You put too much faith in Her. ”
    “And you not enough.” Her words were sharper than she intended. Hesia squeezed his hand in apology.
    He gave a derisive grunt. “What faith can I put in a deity who allows us to suffer as we have?”
    “Varian! The prejudice and fears of humans and demons alike cause the suffering you speak of, not the Lady .” They’d had this argument many times before. Going over old ground wouldn’t solve anything. “Are you and the others ready?”
    “We’ve moved to the old ruins by the river.”
    “No one saw you?”
    The ghost of a smile shaped his lips. “Avoiding Na’Reish patrols is second nature to us. Years of learning to hide from them have ensured that. We’ll use the same skills to avoid the humans.”
    She grasped his hands tightly and peered up at him, her own smile tinged with sadness. “Then I’ve done all I can to help you.”
    She cherished the next couple of moments as Varian hugged her tightly. She smoothed his long, wavy black hair, and lovingly traced the dark markings that dotted the sides of his face and the jagged scar that ran from the

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