Vega Brothers: Khan: Secret Baby BBW (The Bear Shifters of Vega Ranch Book 2)
groaned as his body shook violently. His big, lumbering shoulders shrank down and hardened, his back turned to rippling muscles and the long brown hairs on his body shrank into the peach skin that covered his human body.
    Khan came to on his knees and shook the cobwebs out of his head. He felt his bear settle down contently within his chest and he smiled. He was happy that his bear was finally finding some peace after a rough few years of being parted from his mate. He hoped that he could make it last.
    It was a hot afternoon and Khan strolled to the house completely naked.
    “Hey sexy!” a soft, feminine voice called out. His heart panged as he looked over his shoulder to the large driveway. Bailey was sitting on the hood of her car watching him with a grin on her luscious lips. He could still feel how soft those lips felt on his last night. He had been thinking about it all day.
    He covered himself as best he could with his hands and walked towards her wearing nothing but a smile. “You came.”
    “I did.”
    He stood in front of her and just stared. This felt like a dream. It felt like she was an angel and if he reached out and touched her she would vanish.
    “I came to talk to you,” she said, rubbing her hands down her pant legs. “There was something I should have told you last night. Actually, I should have told you a long time ago.”
    “What is it?” Khan asked, tilting his head to the side.
    She sighed. “Can you put some clothes on, please? It’s a little hard to talk to you seriously with your little bear hanging out.”
    “Shit,” he said, rushing to the house. He had been so excited to see her that he completely forgot that he was naked. He grabbed his clothes off the balcony, pulled his faded jeans on and yanked down his shirt while running back.
    Bailey was biting her fingernails like she often did when she was nervous. A feeling of dread crept into Khan’s body, washing over the happiness that had filled him all day.
    “Is everything okay?” he asked.
    She closed her eyes and ran her hand through her chestnut hair. “I have something to tell you,” she said. “But please don’t hate me.”
    Khan’s stomach rolled with nerves. He could never hate her but he was still nervous to hear where this was going.
    Bailey exhaled hard. “My child is yours.”
    “Huh?” Khan asked jerking his head back. “How can your child be, oh.” A wave of heat consumed him as her shocking words registered. He felt lightheaded and his legs became so weak that he felt a sudden need to sit down.
    Bailey jumped off the car to grab him as he dropped his ass onto the ground. “Wait,” he said, placing his hand on his sweaty forehead. “What?”
    She sat down on the ground beside him and picked a blade of grass. “Liam is your son.”
    “How is that possible?” he asked. He was still trying to process it but his mind was so numb from the news that it was hard.
    “Do I really have to explain that part to you? Sorry,” she said, catching herself. “I’ll give you a minute.”
    Khan lowered his head and tried to concentrate on inhaling and exhaling. Breathing had become so difficult all of a sudden. He had a son. Bailey’s child was his. He was the other man in her life that he spent all night envying.
    He snapped his head up as anger replaced his confusion. “How could you not tell me?” he asked in a harsh tone. “You kept him from me.”
    Bailey recoiled back. “I’m sorry, Khan, I-”
    “You what?” he snapped. “You didn’t think I had a right to know? That I have a son?”
    She lowered her head as her chin shook and her eyes began to water.
    “How could you!” he hissed. “I missed everything. The diapers, the first walk, the baby food, the laughing, the sleepless nights. You stole that from me!”
    Khan could feel his Kodiak bear pacing around inside him. His bear didn’t like him talking to his mate like this.
    “I didn’t mean to hide him,” she said as tears rushed down her cheeks.

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