Vega Brothers: Khan: Secret Baby BBW (The Bear Shifters of Vega Ranch Book 2)
    “That was it, really,” she said. “But he kissed me.” She wanted to go further but she had stopped herself. It was best to take it slow. Plus she didn’t want to sleep with him until he knew the truth about Liam.
    “So, was the kiss good?”
    Bailey smiled in response. Khan had always been a good kisser. Nobody before or since had made her body react like he was always able to.
    Liam walked in wearing the bathroom garbage can over his head. “I am a robot,” he said in a robot voice.
    “Hi robot,” Bailey said. “Did you dump out all of the garbage that was in there onto the bathroom floor?”
    Liam just ignored her, waddling around the room saying, “beep bop boop.”
    “You should program that robot to clean and cook,” Jodi said, watching the little robot as he walked into the plant.
    Bailey’s little man threw off the garbage can and ran down the hallway. She turned back to her sister. “I don’t know what to do. I felt like such a horrible person sitting in front of him and hiding this huge secret.”
    “You’re not a bad person,” Jodi said. “You tried to tell him when you found out that you were pregnant, right?”
    She had gone to the ranch and talked to his father when she had first found out. His dad had said that he was unreachable, that he had moved overseas, but he wouldn’t give her any other details than that. He did offer to pass on a message the next time that he would hear from Khan but she said no. What was she supposed to say? Oh just tell him that I’m having his baby whenever you hear from him. Thanks!
    Jodi took a sip of her coffee as she stared at Bailey. “Are you going to tell him?”
    A tearing, popping sound came from Liam’s room, making Bailey’s skin crawl. “Was that?” Jodi asked, turning her head towards the horrible sound.
    The two sisters raced down the hall and stopped in the doorway to Liam’s room.
    “Oh my God!” Jodi said, her hands flying up to her mouth. “That’s incredible. That’s magic shit.”
    Bailey sighed and stepped into her son’s room. She dropped to a knee and the cuddly furry bear waddled up to her and pressed his wet snout into her stomach. She fell over onto her ass and he climbed on top of her lap. He was getting bigger and stronger every day and she could barely push him off now.
    She needed someone who knew what to do. She needed help. She needed the boy’s father.
    She needed Khan.
    They backed out of the room and Bailey closed the door, leaving the little bear inside. It was better than letting him roam around the apartment. Last time he nearly destroyed the kitchen.
    “I’ll never get used to that,” Jodi said, staring at the closed door of Liam’s room.
    “You and me both,” Bailey said.
    “You have to tell him,” Jodi said, leaning against the wall in the hallway. “What are you going to do when he’s a full-sized bear?”
    Bailey’s chin began to tremble. “I don’t know.”
    Jodi stepped forward and hugged her, kissing Bailey on the cheek. “It’s going to be okay, sis. We’ll get through this.”
    How? How was she supposed to get through this? She didn’t know anything about bears, especially how to raise one.
    She took a deep breath and sighed. “I better go see him.”

    Khan stumbled out of the forest in his bear form after spending the whole afternoon hunting. His Kodiak hadn’t been this happy since he was with Bailey the first time around when they were younger.
    His bear usually went after his prey with a terrifying ferocity. He ran full sprint during the hunting sessions, clawing and snarling in a berserker rage. Today was different. His bear wandered through the forest carefree and happy. He smelled the trees, ate some berries and even lied down for a nap in the shade under a large maple tree.
    His mate was back in Khan’s life and his Kodiak didn’t have a care in the world.
    Khan reined his bear back in as he surged forward. The large Kodiak bear bucked and

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